Happy Birthday Natalia?

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The last time Natalia celebrated her birthday was on February 24, 2022, the day the war started in Ukraine. 

Since then, she has grown another year and learned about life, but not in the way an 8-year-old should. 

She learned how to run, not for a school marathon, but for her life.
She learned how to hide, not from her friends, but from a foreign foe.
She learned how to remain quiet, not during library time, but during raids.
She learned how to be resourceful, not for school projects, but for finding food and shelter.

All this is because of a senseless war to which she lost her home, her mother, and her childhood.

But today is her birthday, and she still has a wish.
She wishes to blow out the dark candles and see light in her life.
She wishes for a permanent roof over her head and her very own bed.
She wishes for the comfort of a home meal, surrounded by family and friends.
She wishes to be a regular 9-year-old girl experiencing the joys and innocence of childhood.

We need your help.|
It’s time for us to make her wish come true.
It’s time for her to once again laugh, learn, and play.
To be with friends, family, and receive some tender love and care.
It’s time for her to thrive, not just survive
It’s high time for her to have a home.

With your support, February 24 will not just be the anniversary of a senseless war, but the happy birthday to an orphaned child.

Happy Birthday Natalia,
From your brothers and sisters across the world.

Dear friends,

With your support, hundreds of orphans and refugees, boys, girls, and entire families – or what’s left of them – will find respite in a new home together as a community in Bucharest, Romania. There, they will be provided with decent housing, food, education, jobs, medical care, and with the basic necessities of life.
They’ll have access to shuls, schools, and even a kollel.
Orphans will be cared for in more spacious dorms, receiving the psychological support they need to cope with the traumas of war and all too frequent upheaval.

Hopefully, through this, we will be able to provide our brothers and sisters of Ukraine with the semblance of home and a chance at a “normal” life.

We need your help to complete this project and make their transition the least traumatic possible and as smooth as we can. Please contribute to help make this a reality. Let’s bring them home!

Visit www.charidy.com/bringThemHome and donate generously

One year since the war started and still, children are forced to grow up too fast.
One year since the war started and still, families are separated and torn apart by the conflict.
One year since the war started and still, children are denied access to education and basic needs.
One year since the war started and still, families struggle to find food and shelter in the midst of violence.
One year since the war started and still, the children and families in Ukraine need our help!

Now, during the anniversary of the war on Ukraine, let’s come together to support our brothers and sisters still in need.



With your support, hundreds of orphans and refugees, boys, girls, and entire families – or what’s left of them – will find respite in a new home together as a community in Bucharest, Romania. There, they will be provided with housing, food, education, jobs, medical care, and with the basic necessities of life. They’ll have access to shuls, schools, and even a kolel.

Orphans will be cared for in more spacious dorms, receiving the psychological support they need to cope with the traumas of war and all too frequent upheaval.

Hopefully, through this, we will be able to provide our brothers and sisters of Ukraine with the semblance of home and a chance at a “normal” life.

We need your help to complete this project and make their transition the least traumatic possible and as smooth as we can. Please contribute to help make this a reality. 

Let’s bring them home!

Visit www.charidy.com/bringThemHome and donate generously, or call 718-540-5736

by February 28!
