Richie Taylor, Highest-Ranked Yarmulke-Wearing NYPD Officer, to Be Promoted to Inspector

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NYPD Deputy Inspector Richie Taylor, the highest-ranking yarmulke-wearing officer in the New York Police Department, is being promoted to full inspector, Hamodia‘s Reuvain Borchardt reports.

At 39 years old, Taylor, who currently serves as commanding officer of community affairs outreach at the Office of the Chief of Community Affairs, will be one of the youngest inspectors in the Department. He will be formally promoted at a ceremony next week.

Taylor grew up in Manhattan Beach and Midwood, attending Yeshiva of Manhattan Beach and Touro College. He and his wife, Miri, live in Marine Park with their five daughters.



  1. Wow. So Matzav is covering up for Taylor. Wow, so brave. What are you little kinderlach afraid of? That he’ll snitch on you as well?


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