Romney Proposes Giving $1K To Every US Adult Amid Coronavirus

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Sen. Mitt Romney on Monday proposed giving $1,000 to every American adult as lawmakers scramble to try to bolster the U.S. economy amid growing concerns over the coronavirus.

Romney outlined a handful of proposals on Monday, saying that while the Senate should take up the House-passed coronavirus package, Congress also needs to start working on additional steps.

“We also urgently need to build on this legislation with additional action to help families and small businesses meet their short-term financial obligations, ease the financial burden on students entering the workforce, and protect health workers on the front lines and their patients by improving telehealth services,” Romney said in a statement.

Read more at The Hill.




  1. Wow, this is great. When can I get my first check? Will there be direct deposit?
    I remember George W Bush giving us some money as well. Was a great feeling of the government giving us back some of OUR money.

  2. In USSR people would seek to purchase food from black market. During some difficult times in ww2 people offering cash, gold, western currency to pay for potatoes, were told: we have potatoes to sell, but sorry, today we only accept payment in onions.


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