Ron Johnson Questions ‘Big Push’ To Vaccinate ‘Everybody’

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Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) in a Thursday podcast interview cast doubt on the importance of vaccinating the nation for COVID-19, saying he’s getting “highly suspicious” of the “big push to make sure everybody gets the vaccine.”

“The science tells us that vaccines are 95 percent effective, so if you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not?” Johnson said during an appearance on “The Vicki McKenna Show.” He also asked “what’s the point” of striving to get “everybody” the COVID-19 shot.

“Why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine, and it’s to the point where you better impose it, you’re gonna shame people, you’re gonna force them to carry a card to prove that they’ve been vaccinated so they can just be in society,” he added.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Only idiots get the shot. I’ve yet to come across anyone that knows the truth who’d take the shot.

    • Totally correct observation. However, “idiot” is most likely not the correct word to use for them, for most of them are probably highly intelligent. The problem though is that, very tragically, from the (so-called) “mainstream” media and their (so-called) “establishment” doctors, they have been MASSIVELY SATURATED with the most extreme of extreme propaganda, “informing” them of this super-super-hyper-monster-virus and that THE salvation from it — and the ONLY salvation from it — is the Covid vaccine.

      Of course though, as you point out, those people who, Boruch Hashem, have found out the true story of the Covid vaccines, have strongly rejected them. And, Boruch Hashem, more and more people are finding out the truth and declining the vaccines.

  2. This idiot understands nothing about human nature.
    If you don’t push for everyone to get it, then too many will say, “Why me?” As is, while pushing everyone to get it, many idiots like Sen Johnson are resisting getting vaccinated.

    The anti-vaxers are like the phone spammers who call you about your car’s warranty, being arrested, social security, etc. only unfortunately they have been more successful in getting intelligent people to believe their nonsense.

    • Dear Oyb, you must understand all about idiots’ nature. From the first hand experience no doubt. There is a major difference between taking a flu vaccine that has been proven harmless over the years, and an experimental MRA vaccine that should have been tested for at least a decade before being released, which instead was rushed through. Being cautious of the establishment when it comes to covid, especially being cautious of the MRA vaccine that can possibly cause all kinds of immune and infertility problems in the long term, is not an antivaxer issue. Personally I am very much pro proven-safe vaccines. Covid vaccines have not been proven safe. Got it, my flat-earther friend?!

  3. The situation is becoming very scary out there not only for those who took the death vx but for those who are in contact with them as was reported that many have been badly effected, pets are dying and many gynecologists wouldn’t treat women who got the vx because of their fear of causing miscarriages or other risks to pregnant women in their office who did not take it. As Juan O Savin said, “Will Vaccinated People Kill The Unvaccinated??”

    Does this mean those who do not want to take the dangerous vx should immediately take Trump’s hydrochloraquine vx as a preventive to protect against those who were vxed with the lethal vx? All who took the vx, please keep your masks on so that we know whom to keep away from.

  4. To “Are We All etc.”
    You should be nominated for the Nigerian scam award! You’re better than the typical Nigerian scammer, because there more people out there that fall for your scam than the typical Nigerian scam.

  5. Senator Johnson is pointing out what is really glaring proof of the falsity of vaccinations, that they do not do what their promotions say they do. The promotions of all vaccines are that once the patient gets “his shot” — with those vaccines that require a series of shots, it is that once the patient gets “his full series of shots” — then, that’s great! It’s time to celebrate! For now he is “vaccinated”! Now he is “inoculated”! Now he is “protected” against getting the disease.

    So, according to that, that really IS great! For when, for example, of a group of 100 people, 75 of them get their shots, those 75 people are now protected against getting the disease. They should now all sit down and pop open bottles of Champaign and very heartedly celebrate!

    However, they are NOT celebrating and there are no bottles of Champaign around either. Why? Because they, and, especially, their vaccine medical staffs, are all sharply concerned and worried about the other 25 people in the group who did not get the shots. But why are they so sharply concerned and worried about those 25 people who did not take the shots? So, they explain that those 25 people who did not get vaccinated are now going to get the disease, and they are thus going to spread it back to them and make them all sick and spread it around to even more people and make the even more people all sick.

    But how can that happen????? They, the 75 people who got the shots, are all vaccinated; they now are enwrapped in the high-tech protective “coat of armor” of vaccination that “protects” them and prevents them from picking up the disease! So, even if right next to them are 25 people or even 125 people or even 1,025 people — who are not vaccinated and are dripping with disease — they, and all others who are vaccinated, are enwrapped in their coats of armor and cannot get sick!!

    So, the fact that they and their medical staffs vehemently declare that the other 25 and whoever else do not get their shots are a danger to them, shows that deep down they really know that (with the vaccine) they ARE NOT protected!! Every time they and other vaccine promoters sharply censure those who decline vaccines to be barred from schools, from Shuls, from Yeshivos, from Beis Yaakovs, from parks, from playgrounds, from carnivals, and from all public life, and declare them to be Rodfim and murderers and dangerous and selfish and irresponsible, they are GLARINGLY ADMITTING that the holy, holy vaccines ARE NOT protecting anyone!!

  6. What is not understood here is that the vaccine is in theory only 95% effective. That means if 100 people are in harm’s way 5 will get sick. Are you one of the 5? Also, those not vaccinated can more easily catch any new strain and pass it on. That’s the theory behind the scare. In reality, if you are vaccinated you are not getting the virus, but the problem is that we don’t want the others to get sick and/or overwhelm the medical system. If 25% don’t get the vaccine, that’s a lot of sick people. So Sen Johnson is doing a disservice to all by his speaking so much nonsense. just let those who are smart enough to get vaccinated get loose. Allow 100% attendance at ball games as long as only those who are allowed to attend are all vaccinated. Don’t want to vaccinate? That’s your problem! No shaming here; if you make your own bed, lie in it.
    The big problem here is that the CDC and Fauci with the FDA want to remain in your face.

    • Dear Oyb 7:14pm, and do you understand that the establishment(the same establishment that claims that the covid vaccines are “safe”) tells us that the 95% efficacy rate is referring to transmissions only, even those unlucky 5% are not going to die from covid, as their symptoms will be much milder – per the establishment “research” of course. So, even per your “logic”, your little life is safe, even if you come near a Fauci-sceptic such as yours truly. So go hang up a Fauci the Pinocchio portrait on your wall, renew your Pravda subscription, and go out for a [dramatic view from a cliff] stroll with all the other lemmings. Go the way of the dodo, my left-side-of-the-bell curve friend. Go yourself, but don’t drag anyone else with you. Leave us, the people with IQ above 80, alone to decide whether we want to take an experimental MRA vaccine that has never been used before in a general market, with possible long-term immune system and fertility side effects, for a disease that those of us who are healthy and younger than 60 have a close to zero chance of dying from. Oh, and don’t forget that most of us already got covid, and are already immune, with a natural immunity at least as good as a best covid vaccine – and don’t bring in the diminishing antibodies, since it’s the t cells that matter, and the t cell immunity stays for years. And if you bring up a new mutation – well, then the contemporary vaccines would not save you from that either. Checkmate.

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