Sanders Says Republicans Are ‘Laughing All The Way To Election Day’

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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Sunday said Senate Republicans are “laughing all the way to Election Day” because “they have not had to cast one bloody vote” on the Democrats’ roughly $1.2 trillion social spending and climate package, which is stalled in the upper chamber, The Hill reports.

“What has bothered me very much is the Republicans are laughing all the way to Election Day. They have not had to cast one bloody vote … which shows us where they’re at. And we have got to change that,” Sanders told co-anchor Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

The House-passed spending package has languished in the Senate because of opposition from Republicans and centrist Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.). Manchin and Sinema refused to get behind the legislation despite weeks of negotiations between the White House and Capitol Hill lawmakers.

“I think when you bring bills on the floor — we have allowed the Republicans to get away with murder,” said Sanders. “They haven’t had to vote on anything. Now, if they want to vote against lowering the cost of prescription drugs, expanding Medicaid, dealing with child care, dealing with housing, let them vote, and let Manchin and Sinema decide which side they are on,” Sanders said.



  1. we have allowed the Republicans to get away with murder,” said Sanders

    Get away with “murder”??? What’s he talking about? Making legal voters show ID? The democrats will lose the Senate and House because the white sack of beans currently occupying the White House couldn’t care less about the out of control inflation and open southern border. All he burps out is Jan 6 Jan 6 Jan 6 Jan 6 Jan 6. The voters see right thru that. How is Jan 6 going to put bread and butter on my kitchen table?

  2. Sorry Mr Sanders and your DemocRATS & Socialists/Commies – you guys had your chance and you “RUINED” the American LEGAL Citizens and their economy – their daily livelihood. When the Republicans take over “BOTH” houses of Congress – with all the LEGAL Democratic votes also – they will have a hard time getting America out of its ruins.

  3. Sanders Says Republicans Are ‘Laughing All The Way To Election Day’

    Republicans will do well in midterm elections but the reason for it -the disaster the Democrats being in power has turned out to be – is nothing to laugh about. It would be much better if the Democrats did a good job and stayed power

  4. Dear Senator Sanders
    A yesher ka’ah for the Republican wins coming in 2022 and 2024 please Hashem.

    We couldn’t do it without you and your Socialist Progressive cohorts.

  5. I am laughing at Mr. Sanders, personally. An alter fartzer who is a millionaire many times over, yet advocates for socialism FOR OTHERS. A guy who tried desperately to become the President, and lost the nomination to Hillary, of all people. A self-loathing Jew, who cannot escape his Jewishness, despite his marriage and affiliations.
    What’s there not to laugh about, even if with sadness?

  6. Sanders? Haven’t heard from him a long time. Hey posters, just because fake news writes about him does’t mean he’s around. He’s not, just like Pelosi, Biden, Obama, Hillary, Schiff and other criminals. This fake news is just to keep his name alive and the smokescreen going.

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