Seaweed – Instead Of Vaccine – Fights Off Covid

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Researchers from Tel Aviv University discovered that a polysaccharide (compound sugar) called ulvan, extracted from the sea lettuce seaweed, is effective in inhibiting the coronavirus.

Prof. Alexander Golberg, who headed the study, said this could potentially provide a cheap vaccine substitute for billions in third-world countries, where vaccines are unavailable.

“The study is still in its early stages, but we hope that the discovery will be used in the future to develop an accessible and effective drug, preventing infection with the coronavirus,” Golberg said.

{ Israel}


  1. Chas v’sholom to say or hope that the study might allow people in Israel to use the seaweed to fight COVID. Only for third world countries who don’t have much of the vaccine… How pathetic. They’re so farkoift by Pfizer that they can’t even suggest it.

  2. Have the doctors finally figured out what Covid is that they know what to fight it off? Has anyone died from this new name that they need to fight it off?


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