Simcha in Sadigura: First Son Born to the Rebbe

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The Sadigura Rebbe has welcomed a son, his first after two daughters.

The news arrived in Sadigura at about 2 a.m., when the baby was born at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv.

The 25-year-old Rebbe of Sadigura was crowned almost two years ago, filling the position of his father, the Ateres Yisrael of Sadigura.

This coming Shabbos, a large shalom zachor will be held at the Rebbe’s Friday night tish.

The baby, on his mother’s side, is a grandson of Rav Asher Chaim Sternbuch, dometz of Machzikei Hadas and rov of Bais Medrash Ohel Yaakov in Antwerp, and a grandson of the Rebbe of Ostrov-Kalushin.

Also, this is the first grandchild born since the petirah of the Rebbe’s grandfather, the late Rabbi Chaim Moshe Feldman z”l, noted baal chesed who was niftar a few months ago.

{ Israel}



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