Rav Mazuz: “You Need Not Go to Meron on Lag Ba’omer”

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Ahead of the Rashbi celebration on Lag Ba’omer in Meron, Rav Meir Mazuz called on the public to be careful not to stay more than four hours in Meron on the day of Lag Ba’omer.

“You have to be careful this year to learn a lesson from last year. Do not go on Lag Ba’omer. People are pressured, pushing and blocking. What happened last year was beyond all comprehension. 45 niftarim… You do not have to go on Lag Ba’omer. You can go a week before, a week later, and those who go must be careful not to stay more the 4 hours.”

Rav Mazuz added: “4 hours is enough to read all the Tehillim, even twice. There are those who finish Tehillim in two hours, but you do not need to read fast. Read slowly…”

He added, “If it is difficult for a person to go, he should not go at all.”

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. They should get chareidim monitoring all the exists and controlling the crowd and prove to the secular authority that they know how to control Meron better than them.

  2. A strong machaah against such apikursus.

    How can someone be yoitze Lag B’oimer without being by Rebbe Shimon? How can people miss the hadlookeh by Rebbe Shimon? How will they get yeshies if they are not by the hadlookeh by Rebbe Shimon??


  3. According to the גמרא in בבא מציעא on Daf 84b, Reb Shimon bar Yochai is buried in a place north of צפת called בירי.

    מירון is located further from צפת in a north-westerly direction.

  4. Message to yidden in EY: do NOT got to Meron on the night of Lag Baomer. The Erev Rav govt has something planned that does not look good for chareidim and all yidden. Stay away!!!!

  5. דעת תורה

    Harav Hagaon R.Y.S. ELYASHIV ZT”L the פוסק הדור was fully aware,

    1) of the ספרים הקדושים who write about all the השפעות טובות being Lag Baomer in Meron.

    2) of all the Gedolim of the past and present who traveled to Meron for Lag Baomer.

    3) of the hundreds of thousands of Yidden who get inspiration & Chizuk in Meron on Lag Baomer.

    4) of the thousands of ישועות & מופתים that happen every year to those who travel to Meron for Lag Baomer.

    5) of all the Kabbalists, Rebbes, Talmidei Chachamim, Chasidim who all disagree with him


    • Rav Gershon Edelstein shlita said last year, that bachurim should NOT go to Meron. Nu, we see what ended up happening. Bottom line: Talmud Torah kineged kulam. It’s the biggest shmira. As an aside, there are poskim who hold that dancing around a fire is a form of avodah zara.

    • People need yeshuos, refuos and whatnot. What better time to visit the tzion of holy tzaddikim than on the day of their yahrtzeit? In the US people travel specifically on Lag B’Omer to the tzion of the previous holy Bobover Rebbe, R’ Naftuli zt”l in NJ where they see many yeshuos and mofsim.

    • We all know that Talmidei Hagra disagreed with Talmidei Hbash”t and Minhagei Hachasidim.
      What exactly is the point in your comment ? to remember a Machloikes that took place 250 years ago

      • The biggest Chasidic Rebbes, the Rebbes with the most Chasidim Do NOT go to Meron on Lag Ba’omer. Like the Gerrer Rebbe, Belzer Rebbe, Vizhnitzer Rebbe, Sanzer Rebbe, etc.

        So your depiction as if all Chasidim go then is quite wrong.

        • Not one regular Litfish Rosh Yeshiva goes or allows his followers to go. Most Rebbes allow their Chasidim to go even if they personally don’t go. The Rebbes you mentioned and others that don’t go is simply because of technical reasons not for the reason R Elyashiv did not go. Which brings me back to my point that mentioning R Elyashiv regarding an old Chasidish Minhag is just bringing back old Machloikes. Yes R Elyashiv was the Gadol Hador and so was was the Chazon Ish, Brisker Rov, Steipler, R Bengis, R Shach etc. And they did not either hold of going to Meron does that mean all Chasidim should stop going? You definitely have to listen to your Rosh Yeshiva/Rebbe but learn to respect different opinions especially when its an old Machloikes.

        • BTW Belzer Rebbe 25 years ago used to go but stopped going after someone slapped him because his Chasidim were trying to make place for him by the Kever.
          I saw Vishnitz R Mendel Binei Brak in Meron in 2011 his Chasidim took over the back of the Mareh and there was lots of pushing going on so he stopped coming.
          Some Rebbes like Ger stopped going 30-40 years ago because there was no Mehadren way up but when they opened the Mahadren way most of the Rebbes started going or allowing their Chasidim to go.
          Rachmistrivka Rebbe of Yerushalyim goes up every year and pushes himself 20 minutes to the Tzion like everyone else and does not allow anyone to make place for him, not every Rebbe is capable of doing that but I’ve seen many Rabonim pushing like everyone else
          Matzav reported a couple of years ago that R Shteinman told his gabbai one random day that he has to go to R Shimon for a reason he never disclosed within a few hours he was there said Tehilim for 20-30 minutes and left.


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