Statement by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America on US Supreme Court’s Potential Overturning of Roe v Wade

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The leadership of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (Orthodox Union) issued the following statement:

The Orthodox Union is unable to either mourn or celebrate the news reports of the U.S. Supreme Court’s likely overturning of Roe v Wade. We cannot support absolute bans on abortion—at any time point in a pregnancy—that would not allow access to abortion in lifesaving situations.  Similarly, we cannot support legislation that permits “abortion on demand”—at any time point in a pregnancy—and does not confine abortion to situations in which medical (including mental health) professionals affirm that carrying the pregnancy to term poses real risk to the life of the mother.

As people of faith, we see life as a precious gift granted to us and maintained within us by God. Jewish law places paramount value on choosing life and mandates-not as a right but as a responsibility-safeguarding our own lives and the lives of others by behaving in a healthy and secure manner, doing everything in our power to save lives, and refraining from endangering others. This concern for even potential life extends to the unborn fetus and to the terminally ill.

Abortion on demand–the “right to choose” (as well as the “right to die”) are thus completely at odds with our religious and halachic values. Legislation and court rulings that enshrine such rights concern us deeply on a societal level.

Yet that same mandate to preserve life requires us to be concerned for the life of the mother. Jewish law prioritizes the life of the pregnant mother over the life of the fetus such that where the pregnancy critically endangers the physical health or mental health of the mother, an abortion may be authorized, if not mandated, by Halacha and should be available to all women irrespective of their economic status. Legislation and court rulings-federally or in any state-that absolutely ban abortion without regard for the health of the mother would literally limit our ability to live our lives in accordance with our responsibility to preserve life.

The extreme polarization around and politicization of the abortion issue does not bode well for a much-needed nuanced result. Human life-the value of everyone created in the Divine Image-is far too important to be treated as a political football.



  1. “We cannot support absolute bans on abortion—at any time point in a pregnancy—that would not allow access to abortion in lifesaving situations”

    Oh please!!! Why keep repeating the same lie?! No one is “absolute” banning! Typical treiff hashkafa

  2. What in the world is this about Halacha permitting abortion for mental health reasons. What???

    • Yep
      Sad but happens
      If anyone you know is R”L in such a situation let me know I can point you to crises pregnancy center in Boro Park they will get ythem in touch withRabbonim and they can take it from there

  3. All the individual points in this letter are halachically true, however the overall tone of this letter is very misleading. In no way does overturning roe vs wade make abortion illegal in cases of medical emergencies. All they are doing is removing the law which makes abortion across the board legal and leaving it in the hands of the states. If a state were to then choose to pass a complete ban the OU would have something to worry about but it is a baseless fear that such a law would be passed. We have yet to see any sane person or politician or state which has backed such an across the board ban. A case in point is Florida which is as right wing as they come has passed an abortion ban excluding for medical purposes. Removing this terrible wrong is absolutely something to be celebrated by any religious person. One suspects that the OU deliberately misconstrued the situation in order to sound more nuanced and politicly correct so as not to upset the more liberal elements under the umbrella.

  4. This entry into political discourse by the OU is empty, foolish, and hardly even self-serving. No one asked them to weigh in with celebration or mourning or anything else regarding the matter. It is not necessarily a matter that needs to be or even should be aired publicly, but if our nation makes a move that will lessen the occurrence of abortion, it is something frumme yidden are glad about, and the OU needs to internalize that fact, and keep quiet if they feel they cannot or should not politically say that (which in itself is quite understandable, even by those same frumme yidden).

    ‘Nuff said!

  5. since when did they become a left-leaning political activist group, can’t they just stay in their lane and stick to food


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