Statue Of Robert E. Lee Removed From US Capitol

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A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee was removed from the U.S. Capitol overnight.

The statue has stood with America’s first president, George Washington, as the state of Virginia’s contribution to the National Statuary Hall Collection at the Capitol for more than 100 years.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, announced on Monday the state will seek to have it replaced with a statue of civil rights icon Barbara Johns.

“We should all be proud of this important step forward for our Commonwealth and our country,” Northam said. “The Confederacy is a symbol of Virginia’s racist and divisive history, and it is past time we tell our story with images of perseverance, diversity, and inclusion. I look forward to seeing a trailblazing young woman of color represent Virginia in the U.S. Capitol, where visitors will learn about Barbara Johns’ contributions to America and be empowered to create positive change in their communities just like she did.”

Read more at The Hill.



  1. We’ve got to get rid of all the priviliged whites in this nation. We’ve got to make reparations by middle class whites mandatory. We’ve got to have the re-education camps ready to go on Jan 20th. All stores owned by whites will have to have. Systematic racism is a thing of the past.

  2. Robert e Lee would have been against a statue of himself to begin with. he wanted the country to move on not the south to create a fake narrative of the war.


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