Stoliner Rebbe Issues Strong Remarks Decrying Recent Violence in Chassidic Community

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The following is a write-up based on remarks delivered by the Stoliner Rebbe:


  1. Raising a hand against a Yid

    The גמרא סנהדרין נ”ח ע”ב says as soon as one raises a hand to hit a
    fellow *Yid, even before he hit him, he is considered a רשע.

    The מרדכי writes that since he is a רשע he is פסול לעדות.

    A Rav who is מסדר גיטין וקידושין must verify that the עדים
    are עדים כשרים. The Rav usually asks the עדים if they are
    related to חתן וכלה etc.

    Perhaps, in such places where there are many designated
    hitters of the Rebbe’s team, it would be advisable for the
    Rav, the מסדר, to also ask the עדים if they ever raised a
    hand against a fellow Yid.

    According to ר’ אלעזר even if he did do תשובה, he remains an
    עד פסול. The only תקון he can have is קבורה ר”ל. (after his burial)

  2. The only reason Moshiach has still not come yet is because of the lack of shalom. Nebach. It’s in our hands to bring Moshiach and WE are preventing that from happening.

    • Don’t be so sure that’s the reason.

      Zionist idolatry (by otherwise frum Jews) which is a rebellion against G-d, certainly isn’t helpful.

      In terms of peace, that is actually the reason why Eliyahu haNavi will come: “to bring peace to this world”.

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