Study: ‘Class Clowns’ May Also Be The Most Intelligent Students

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Every class has a few students who just can’t help but crack jokes at every opportunity. While many may look at “class clowns” as immature and attention-seeking, a new study suggests strong humor skills during adolescence may be a sign of high intelligence. Researchers report children with higher than average levels of general knowledge and verbal reasoning tend to excel at humor.

The same isn’t necessarily true for adults, however. Researchers didn’t find a similarly strong connection between humor and grown-up intelligence.

Study authors gathered together over 200 children and asked each to write captions for 10 different cartoons. After collecting all the captions, a group of seven adult “humor experts” rated both the funniness and relevancy of each caption to each cartoon. In total, the experts delivered 30,380 ratings during the study.

When researchers compared intelligence and humor performance a clear pattern emerged. General intelligence highly correlated with humor. The study states that intelligence accounted for 68 percent of the observed difference in humor ability among the kids. Notably, study authors found children with both higher general knowledge and higher verbal reasoning to be funnier than their peers.

Read more at StudyFinds.



  1. Today, you crack a joke and the Rebbe throws out the kid claiming he’s otd and will negatively effect the rest of the class. Goodbye any sense of humor.

  2. yes the kids with humor , sensitivity and a lot of talent and intelligence end up old , the schools are failing many children
    Hashem yerachem

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