Study: Vegetarians Who Drink And Smoke A Lot Are Still Healthier Than Meat-Eaters

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Research shows that vegetarians are healthier than meat-lovers even if they are smokers and drinkers.

The scientists at the University of Glasgow in Scotland have examined more than 175,000 British adults, revealing that those with a plant-based diet were healthier than meat-lovers regardless of their age, weight, smoking habits, or how much alcohol they consumed, according to Study Find.

The team factored in 19 different biomarkers in preventing cancer, heart and age-related diseases, as well as other chronic conditions.

One of the reasons why vegetarians, even those who smoke and drink, had better biomarker levels than meat lovers is their cholesterol intake from their diets.

“Vegetarians had ‘significantly lower’ levels of 13 key biomarkers. Those include total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein ‘bad’ cholesterol, and a hormone that encourages the growth and proliferation of cancer cells,” according to Study Find. “Vegetarians also had lower levels of beneficial biomarkers including ‘good’ high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.”

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Baloney! This”research” must have compared meat eaters in the nursing homes versus vegetarians in highschools, or something of this sort.
    Here is the disclaimer on this “research”: this most honest research, pinky swear, was made possible by Dr Fauci’s generous grant out of the pocket of the American taxpayer, and conducted by a most qualified team of the global warming scientists, who never ever lie.

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