Terror Master PA President Abbas Blames U.S. For Gaza ‘Children’s Tragedy’ After UN Veto

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The Palestinian Authority President, Holocaust denier and terror-supporter Mahmoud Abbas, strongly criticized the United States on Shabbos, laying blame on the U.S. for the tragic loss of children’s lives in Gaza. This condemnation comes in the aftermath of the U.S. vetoing a UN Security Council resolution that called for an immediate ceasefire in the region.

In a statement released by Abbas’s office, the president denounced the U.S. stance as “aggressive and contrary to humanitarian values.” Abbas directly held the United States “responsible for the bloodshed among Palestinian civilians, including children, women, and the elderly in Gaza,” citing the U.S.’s steadfast support for Israel as a contributing factor.

The U.S. veto, which thwarted efforts led by UN chief Antonio Guterres and Arab nations for a prompt humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, faced widespread criticism. American envoy Robert Wood dismissed the resolution, deeming it detached from reality and unlikely to bring about change on the ground.

While Israel welcomed the U.S. veto, the United Arab Emirates, the sponsor of the resolution, expressed profound disappointment with the outcome.

{Matzav.com Israel}


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