The 2010 Jewish Community Heroes Campaign: Nominee Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

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rabbi-lipschutz-shalom-rubashkin-small[Vote link below.] The second-annual Jewish Community Heroes campaign organized by The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) celebrates the selflessness and courage of those who put others before themselves. This is the community’s opportunity to shine a national spotlight on the unsung, whether their work impacts five people or 5,000.

Building on the success of last year’s campaign, in which participants cast over 500,000 votes, this year will single out a 2010 Jewish Community Hero and several other honorees for going above and beyond: the honorees will be selected by an online nomination and voting process that will establish the 20 semifinalists, and then the judge panel will select the honorees from that semifinalist list.

Over the next 3 months, ending October 8, 2010, anyone across North America can go online, submit nominations and vote for the real candidates they believe best embody the spirit of the award. The Jewish Community Hero of the Year and other honorees will be recognized this November at a General Assembly in New Orleans.

Rabbi Pinchos Lipshutz, publisher of Yated Ne’eman, is one of the nominees. The site explains: “Rabbi Lipschutz has devoted countless hours to the cause of Sholom Rubashkin. Many have said that this is no longer a “Sholom Rubashkin” issue but rather a Jewish issue. Rabbi Lipshutz has rallied and educated hundreds of thousands of Jews in regards to Sholom’s cause… Rabbi Lipshutz has inspired me to care for another Jew, even one you’ve never met. He’s reminded so many that all Jews are one family.”

Click here to vote for Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz.

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  1. Please vote. Rabbi Lipschutz indeed is an authentic Jewish Hero of the World. He has (is) devoted his every resource, physical, spiritual, mental to Reb Sholom Mordechai’s cause In doing so, he created unity within Klal Yisrael that hasn’t been seen since…

  2. Great idea Pinny has showed us that in the absence of the organizations stepping up to the plate for Shulem Mordche, a yuchid can do it with resolve

  3. I dont think its appropriate to participate in a campaign that is also promoting “Rabbis” who are Sonei Hadaas or worse.

    I realize the benefit of having a Torah true jew win such contests , at what coat?

  4. I went to this link. i can,t understand how the final person is selected out of the 5 finalists who are selected by the judges out of the 20 who got the most votes.

  5. to #2: Perhaps you could save the mosdos. Rabbi Lipschutz can’t do it all. No one is stopping you from running your own campaign. I takes one person to care and do something about it, and then get others involved.
    I have a hard time understanding some people when they are told someone did good, they then ask, “Well why didn’t they do x, y, or z?” Is one person expected to tackle ALL of our problems? Think about it!

    Also to #5: there are a lot of ‘interesting’ people on that list, but there are a lot of other worthy people, including Rabbi Klatzko, Lori Palatnick and some other wonderful kiruv people. I don’t want to take away from Rabbi Lipschutz since I’d love him to win, but definitely if you take the time to go through the list, you’ll find some people doing tremendous work in the frum community.

  6. Rabbi Lipshutz is a hero for other reasons as well. He has helped many peopel quietly and has done chessed no one will ever know about.


  8. The money should go for good things that Rabbi Lipshutz would use for.

    Vote for him and get all your contacts to as well!

    Vote everyday for Pinny!

  9. Shame,

    would’nt it be a great kiddush hashem if a yid like Reb Pinny Lipschutz (who none of us have even a slight idea of how many days and NIGHTS he has given towards this cause) would win this campaign.

    let all the Sonei Hadaas and worse see who truly deserves a heroes honor.

  10. Really? A heroes contest? A Jew sits in Eretz Yisrael and notices how their American counterparts are oblivious to the infiltration of non Jewish concepts into the American Jew’s life.

  11. Reb Pinchas is a symbol of Ahavas Yisroel unprecedented since the churban almost, to care so much for a jew whos derech hachaim is different then his own, is trully a lesson for everyone and we must take in this message Reb Pinchas is instilling in us, its necessary on the face of the endless tragedies we have witnessed, in the last few weeks, Hashem might stop these tragedies when he sees how united we are! So go for it push this great candidate because he’s the man we need in order to remove the terrible kitrugim

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