The Contractor Didn’t Believe It Could Happen, But 100 Workers Finished the Bais Medrash in Time for the Zeman

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On Sunday, with the beginning of Elul zeman, the bochurim of Yeshiva Migdal Oz entered their new bais medrash in Givat Ze’ev.

Over 100 workers worked laboriously to finish construction of the new bais medrash.

The contractor originally said that there was no realistic way that the construction would be finished by Rosh Chodesh Elul, but the rosh yeshiva, Rav Yechezkel Etrog, insisted, and said to inform the bochurim to come to the yeshiva on Sunday, and Hakadosh Boruch Hu will take care of everything else.

Indeed, miraculously, the work was completed at record speed, beyond the natural order of things, and the bais medrash was ready. The rabbeim of the yeshiva affixed mezuzos to the building before the first Maariv in the bais medrash on Sunday evening.

On Monday around noon, Rav Etrog gave an opening shiur to the bochurim, commenting on the amazing siyata diShmaya experienced with the completion of the building.


  1. Let’s just hope the speed didn’t חס ושלום come at the expense of safety and quality. בהצלחה ובשמחה על בניית אחת אחת מחורבות ירושלים, מקום להפצת תורה.


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