The Frum Man Who Made Secular Doctors Believe In Miracles

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On the sidewalks of the Israeli city of Kiryat Gat walks a Jewish mom much like mine or yours. This mom, however, isn’t the same smiling woman she used to be six months ago, pinching the cheeks of babies and always on her way to run an important errand for her kids. This mom is Shoshana Din, and just a few months ago, she lost her husband to cancer. Now her eyes are dull, her shoulders slouched by loss and the weight of her debts. Her children walk alongside her but she keeps a slow pace. Life has beaten her.

By the time the father of the 10 Din kids, Yisroel Din, was diagnosed with cancer, it was already too late. It had spread throughout his entire body and he was sent home to be with his family until he passed. Even the most secular of doctors felt it was a miracle that he lived another 4 months.

When Shoshana woke one morning to find Yisroel gone from this world, she did what most mothers would do: She thought of the kids, and how to tell them, how to comfort them. For days they cried and mourned, then Shoshana began looking for jobs. Having spent her entire life caring for a home while her husband supported the family, she was at a loss. Medical debts weighed heavily upon her heart. The food in the fridge began to get smaller, and the stack of bills higher.

Now she has two children who are engaged. On the outside she smiles, like my mom or your mom would, to show her support. But internally she cries, because she has nothing to give her children, and nothing to even give herself. Her dear son does not have a hat to wear to his wedding. Her daughter may not be able to have sheva brachos seudos. The chuppah dates draw nearer and they are missing the essentials.

The Yisroel Din Memorial Fund has been opened by Vaad HaRabbanim to help make the two Din weddings, and help Mrs. Shoshana Din, a mom just like so many moms you know, survive and take care of herself and her family. If she were your mom, what would you do?




  1. I would like to commend the writer of this article on a beautiful title.
    There have been some titles in the past that were misleading with accusatory or inflammatory headlines that were just a hook for a pitch. Something I and, to my understanding, many people felt was quite, shall we say, unsavory.
    I therefore want to point out the difference with this positive, upbeat and respectful headline and commend this direction.
    May the campaigne (and yes, the others as well) merit siyata d’shmaya and may all those in need receive a yeshuah b’karov!


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