The Matzav Shmoooze: Why Are We Suffocating Kids?

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By Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver

[email protected] 

While it’s true that in many places, governments are requiring masks on little children, in other places, this decision is being left to the individual schools to decide. Why are principals all over the world—and from my perspective as an Orthodox Jew, in Orthodox Jewish schools—insisting on suffocating kids with masks, and even very little kids, as old as six?

How do they not see the terrible problems with this?

And how do parents send their kids to such a school?

One part of it is the powerful influence of fear of government on our lives.

We are all citizens of modern governments. We know that if we break the law, there will be harsh penalties and social consequences, often rightly so. This creates a strong subconscious bias towards supporting the government and viewing its laws and edicts as justified. Even if we sense that we face injustice, and even in supposed liberal democracies with supposed freedom of speech, it is very intimidating to come out openly disagreeing with the government.

The same is true for a principal. The only way for a principal to reach his position is by getting professional training on what is expected of him, and this involves understanding that he must obey the laws dictated by the government. Obviously, there are laws about what is and is not allowed in schools and of course many of these laws are good and necessary. But the very fact that the principal must obey the government or lose his job, or have his school shut down, creates a bias in favor of the correctness of whatever the government is saying, even if it has a flimsy basis.

Also, in many places, private schools receive funding for various programs, and this creates a further conflict of interest. The schools could really use this funding, but the funding is in effect a bribe that further weakens the principals’ ability to fight against government overreach and tyranny.

So although the administrators are supposed to be looking out for the best interest of the children, they have a blind spot when it comes to government edicts.

Also, like everyone else, the administrators don’t want to be seen to be endangering others by members of the community, even if they know very well that they’re not. They may fear that this will damage their reputations or even lead to them losing their positions. This creates another conflict of interest.

The masks cause great pain and discomfort by making breathing difficult. They weaken the immune system. They prevent non-verbal communication through facial expressions. They make everyone seem to be scowling at everyone else. You can’t see smiles, you can’t see any facial expressions, you can’t talk and you cant hear people talking. You feel suffocated and downtrodden. The entire atmosphere is oppressive and miserable and you just want to flee.

Masks also communicate through sustained physical and mental pain the outrageous idea that healthy children pose a risk to others, that they could kill grandma simply by breathing. Which has no proof. Masks also strengthen in the mind of children the Big Lie that everyone needs to “socially distance” from one another lest they spread the dreaded disease. This itself creates tremendous distress and trauma, and imbues the bogus, socially devastating idea that physical touch with loved ones, a basic need of children (and adults too, but children even more so), poses tangible physical danger.

All this obviously causes certain severe psychological harm and trauma; I don’t need to be a professional to see that. Certainly, any parent should be able to appreciate that. The only way these measures should be mandated despite this harm is if there were truly solid scientific proof that they are absolutely necessary.

There is no such proof.

There is great disagreement about whether there even is a significant risk of dying from Covid, i.e., if there is reason to think that the figures have been grossly inflated, whether by accident or on purpose; and there is no proof that children can catch Covid, never mind spread it (which is why some experts argued that the schools should not have been closed during the lockdown); and on top of that there is great disagreement about whether masks provide effective protection, with the CDC itself admitting that masks do not work as recently as July 31.

Moreover, California Civil Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas published a video recently highlighting the devastating consequences of isolating children and forcing them to practice “social distancing” at school. She points out that social distancing and isolation was developed 70 years ago by the CIA to break down and torture enemies of state, that it is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day AND being an alcoholic, that it doubles the risk of death, and that it destroys the part of the brain responsible for learning.

She pointed out that according to the statistics and the CDC itself, a child’s risk of dying from Covid is 0.0%, and no child has passed on Covid to a family member or third party, i.e., they do not transmit.

So what we have here is a remote doubt versus a certainty: An extremely remote, unproven and mostly fear-based possibility of the disease being spread and leading to a death on the one hand, and a clear and known certainty that masks cause psychological and physical harm on the other (the only question being just how much). The conclusion should be clear: Masks should not be required for children and social distancing propaganda should not be pushed on them.

This is all true even in New York where officially there were large numbers of deaths from Covid, but all the more so in places like Baltimore and Houston where there never even was a claim that there were mass deaths from Covid (i.e., there was and is no pandemic there at all).

There is no proof that there is a deadly virus circulating here now in these places, and even if there were, there’s no proof that masks are effective at protecting one from such a virus.

However, the idea of even asking for any solid proof from a supposed expert to justify his rulings, or to expect him to respond to the arguments of other experts who say otherwise, seems to be foreign to these principals.

I’ve approached three of them so far and they all say that they’re just following the advice of a certain expert, and so there is nothing to discuss.

I asked them if the expert showed them any solid proof for his claim and they said no, but that they trust him, because he is a supposedly an expert in infectious diseases, and they rely on him in general.

I asked them if they also consulted with an expert in child psychology on the harms of mandating masks for children. They said they hadn’t.

Just how sure is the expert of his opinion? What exactly does he base it on? Is he examining studies himself, or just following the “best practice” recommendations of some official body like the WHO or the CDC? Does he claim to view masks as an absolute necessity to prevent likely deaths or merely as an additional precaution to stay on the safe side? Has he fully taken into account the way in which masks cause one to rebreathe one’s carbon dioxide waste and weaken the immune system?

They didn’t know or wouldn’t respond.

Has he committed his opinion to writing with detailed arguments and sources?

Not as far as they know.

I also asked whether it’s right for an infectious disease expert to presume to express an opinion on a matter of child psychology that is not his field? Why is the supposed infectious disease expert not also concerned about children’s mental health, about the likelihood of psychological trauma?


So much for science, reason, and evidence.

Another question I would ask them if they would talk to me again: Does this alleged expert have conflicts of interest? Does he stand to risk his career by disagreeing with the government or with the officially accepted academic position? If so, why do you view him as reliable at all? Shouldn’t such a person, if he has any integrity at all, recuse himself or herself?

Another pressure that the principals face is the demand from paranoid parents, victims of media mind control, fearful of the bogeyman virus, fearful of death. Even if the principal were to be skeptical of the government story, if the parents accept it religiously and view children and teenagers not wearing a mask as literally endangering their lives simply by breathing, then this puts the principals in a difficult position. The parents may choose to not send their kids back to school unless masks are mandatory. So a lot of the responsibility for this situation also rests with the parents.

However, if a significant number of parents would demand no masks on kids and no social distancing propaganda, then the principal would know that some parents may not be sending their children to school precisely because of the masks. Then the two groups would cancel each other out, and the principal might be in a better position to follow his own better judgment.

But there do not seem to be enough parents in the latter camp, sadly. In fact, I heard from one principal that most parents he has spoken with don’t care about the school’s restrictions, they are just desperate to get their kids out of their hair. They need a babysitter!

So the parents also suffer from a major conflict of interest. Even parents who sense that masks on children are unjustified and harmful have an interest in not taking a stand about it because it could mean being left stuck with babysitting and attempting to homeschool their kids, a task that many parents are really not up to or would find very challenging, or would be expensive to hire someone else to do. Also, they need to go back to work; staying home with the kids means losing much-needed income.

Another explanation of the principals is that all the other schools are doing it. I find this response particularly unfortunate, considering that I know as a father and a teacher that a regular part of raising children is explaining to them ad nauseam that the fact that the other children were doing something wrong doesn’t justify their doing likewise. We try to teach kids to overcome peer pressure and develop a conscience that guides their actions. All children have an internal sense of internal right and wrong and the well-trained child does what’s right regardless of what others are doing. Parents and teachers lecture children about this on an almost a daily basis. Yet principals will say with a straight face that they won’t look at the scientific evidence on whether children can catch and spread Covid, whether masks are effective, or whether social distancing is necessary because … all the other schools are doing it!

This really is a difficult challenge for these people, and I don’t envy them. But we need not go easy on them, because this is what they signed up for. Leadership is not about doing what the people say they want. Real leadership means standing up for what’s best for the people, in this case the children, even when it’s unpopular and flies in the face of popular perception.

The main reason that children are being subjected to this psychological torture is that the adults concerned are turning a blind eye to the inconvenient truth that even if Covid is real, masks and social distancing are totally unnecessary for children and very harmful. The information is out there to prove this, even information from official sources. Yet to face this truth squarely would lead to the inescapable conclusion that the government, in recommending these measures, is guilty of a mass deception, if only the deception that masks are needed on children, which is a very bitter pill to swallow, and it would demand they take an unpopular position that might detrimentally affect their social and family life, and that they fight against the system, all of which most people lack the courage to do.

It’s time the adults charged with caring for the kids developed that courage. Because the government tyranny will only get worse, and weakly complying with this institutionalized child abuse in its earlier, “softer” stages will lead directly to more and more outrageous compromises on the wellbeing of the children, all with the same pathetic excuses, blind rejection of any rational discussion, and willful ignorance.

And also because one day, when the devastating long-term psychological effects of social distancing and masks on children are documented, widely publicized, and undeniable (along with a full exposé of the fact that the principals know very well now that Covid doesn’t affect children and children don’t catch or spread it), the children will find out the truth and come forward with the harrowing demand (just as they are now relentlessly hunting down the predator teachers and administrators who sexually abused them):

Why didn’t you look out for me? Why did you ruin my childhood? Why did you subject me to such physical and psychological torture, such child abuse, all based on obvious pseudoscience and cowardly political considerations?



  1. What a heap of nonsense mixed with falsehoods!

    Does Matzav really care so little for its reputation as a place t find reliable news that it’s willing to post this trash just to fill its news line?

    • Your post shows your intelligence. For your information ‘conspiracy theories” are true facts that the Deep State or Shadow Government does not want you to investigate. And you fell for it. How ignorant!

  2. Very obviously an anti vaxxer. Your a cousin to Antifa and to the Alt right.

    Name us one kid who ‘suffocated’ from a mask.

    Kids are resilient and really don’t care as much as we think they do.

    • “Kids are resilient and really don’t care as much as we think they do.” Are you for real? Do kids understand the anatomy and physiology of the body? You must be a kid yourself if you can write such nonsense. You don’t have to be the biggest scientist to know that inhaling carbon dioxide is poisonous. If you passed 5th grade and know how to read articles, here are a few for you to open some brains that have been blocked with your mask.

      Students banned from wearing N95 masks in PE classes
      Recently two middle school students reportedly died after running with face masks

      COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse
      Testimony of a virologist
      “The rebreathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen depravation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of the reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system.
      However, when you have chronic oxygen depravation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. But your efficiency will remain impaired and the undersupply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress.
      While you’re thinking, that you have gotten used to wearing your mask and rebreathing your own exhaled air, the degenerative processes in your brain are getting amplified as your oxygen deprivation continues.
      The second problem is that the nerve cells in your brain are unable to divide themselves normally. So in case our governments will generously allow as to get rid of the masks and go back to breathing oxygen freely again in a few months, the lost nerve cells will no longer be regenerated. What is gone is gone.
      Read more here:

      The Mask Nazis Have Blood on Their Hands

      They Don’t Want You to Know Any of This
      The world’s scientific literature shows clearly that masks do more harm than good. They have been trying to delete the evidence but it is there and you can still find it. Children in China and Germany are reported to have died wearing masks. There is evidence that masks cause lung infections and skin infections. The oxygen deprivation may cause permanent neurological damage in children. Read the piece about masks on my website. It contains evidence taken from dozens of research papers and will astonish and appal you. Masks will kill, in my view, far more people than they could possibly ever save.
      Read more here:

  3. Give me a break “suffocating kids”
    Yes they may be a little uncomfortable but it’s a lie to say it is hard to breath in them.
    It keeps the kids safe. It keeps the teachers safe( many of which are older). It is also a constant reminder that we are still in a deadly pandemic that took the lives of so many parents and grandparents. When our kids see their friends wearing a mask they are reminded, don’t share snacks, don’t get to close etc.
    And don’t give me the “well tucker Carlson brought on this doctor who said masks are fake and the virus is a scam etc.” the majority of health experts all agree that the virus exists, is alive and spreading, and could spread through kids (while a little less likely)
    As a matter of fact, over the last few days, the United States has seen the highest daily positive test numbers for months. 85000 a day. That’s crazy. And what is crazier is you have these younger frum Jews who feel that since they are low risk, forget about everyone else who is scared for their lives and just ignore all precautions. It is low, disgusting and selfish behavior that is against every standard of the Torah. How many more Jews will G-d forbid have to die? How many more times will G-ds name be desecrated when you walk down the street without masks and social distancing.

  4. No, we are teaching our children that we are mortal and all we can do in this world is Hishtadlus. Right now, the MAINSTREAM medical community beleives masks help, so we wear masks. If the MAINSTREAM medical community decides that they are ineffective or dangerous, we won’t wear masks. We suffocate our children when we feed them ridiculous theories and then wonder why they question authority. Remember, all we do is Hishtadlus. It’s never ‘wrong’. I think you may be playing the wrong game.

    • The Belzer Rebbe shlit”a would not sign a document that his thousands of followers will wear masks when they joined him during the Yomim Naroim prayers, unless they bring proof that it helps. They never came back with proof. So much for proof.

      “Right now, the MAINSTREAM medical community believes masks help” Which article are you referring to? I didn’t come across any. If anything, all the articles about masks proves the danger. Right now, medical doctors have not been allowed to say the truth about the dangers of masks. This is not called hishtadlus. It’s called idiocy.

  5. Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver. Not Dr. Yehoishophot Oliver.
    Our gedolim tell us that when it comes to medical things the doctors know and we should listen to them.
    Sorry rabbi but the doctors tell us what to do when it comes to such things and it is our job to listen to them. if you believe differently, than you can tell your followers what to do, and they decide what to do but telling others to go against what the main stream rabbi/doctor says doesn’t sound like daas Torah to me. Sorry

  6. I LOVE wearing a mask. It’s so comfortable, stylish and makes it easier to breathe. But most of all it makes me feel like a mitzvah girl. I’m keeping myself and others healthy. My mask is a badge of honor

  7. The latest polls find that 97% of kids love wearing masks and the other 3% are shy Trump voters. #masks2020,#trump2020,#keepamericasafe,#endcovidbutkeepmasks

  8. BS”D
    Much too much truth here.
    Thank you Rabbi Oliver.
    Col ha cavod to you for writing it and to
    Matzav for printing it.
    They will probably be pressed to take it down soon.

  9. The father of the study of infectious diseases, Dr. Ignatz Semelweiss, died in an insane asylum because he said women who had recently given birth were dying in droves from puerpural sepsis because of germs on doctors’ unwashed hands.
    The majority of medical experts said he must be crazy to think that.

  10. It is CRIMINAL to force young (and not so young) children to wear masks. The damage to their emotional health, social development AND physical health is frightening to think about! I told my children to wear their masks in school on their chin only – unless they are FORCED by some unwise adult to put it up. At which time, I told them to put in on their mouth only – until that adult leaves.
    THEY NEED TO BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is child abuse on a massive scale!!! Nothing less!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Short answer – because that’s what’s mandated. If that’s what you need to do to keep schools open – as in Lakewood, that’s what you do.
    It’s worth noting, that if that’s the law of the land, be it sensible or not, it’s a parent’s job -and society’s too- to make sure that it’s observed. When we tell children not to follow a rule because it doesn’t make sense to us, or apply to us, or for any reason, we are training them to negate authority based on their own sense or right and wrong.
    We make children wear a mask because following teaching children to follow rules is real-live chinuch.
    And that’s what schools (and parents) are for.

    • Gd forbid we teach our kids to negate authority based on their own sense of right and wrong. Is this person for real? That’s EXACTLY what you are supposed to do. I hope your children don’t come into contact with any predators, your parenting skills are atrocious. Or maybe you don’t have any children, one can only hope.

  12. My 4 year old daughter loves wearing a mask! She looks up to her parents and wants to be like them. Yes, that is anecdotal, but so is everything in this ridiculous article.

    On a serious note, while this article makes a few legitimate points, they are בטל בששים in the garbage. One can write passionately without being bombastic and without wildly overstating one’s case and taking points to far-fetched conclusions.

    Matzav does no service to our community by being a platform for this junk.

  13. BS”D
    More and more doctors are coming out against the false covid narrative.
    The Great Barrington Declaration was signed, to date, by 31,001 medical doctors andd 11,104 medical and public health scientists.

  14. Another take on this disgusting conspiracy theory spun by people with too much idle time on their hands and too little brain in their skulls.
    Little kids CAN transmit coronavirus: a ganenet in Petach Tikvah paid with her live for some reckless parent’s negligence about two months ago.
    An invaluable part of Chinuch is that kids have to know that nishmartem also applies to them.
    Incredible how bleeding-heart civil rights advocates can gang up with Stone Age “flat-Earthers”to concoct this drivel!

  15. Parents put itchy uncomfortable scarves on their kids mouths to protect them in the winter all the time, Parents make their kids sit with inhalation masks or nebulizers so their kids can breath better. Even if the young child doesnt want to. Are they suffocating their children? Parents force their kids to ingest horrible tasting antibiotics or vitamins. Parents deny their children sugar, sweets and junk food, are they starving their offspring? Some might say we force circumcisions on week old infants. The premise of this article is ridiculous.

    • These are most likely the same parents who REFUSE to vaccinate their children and would rather send them to public school where they can get an exemption…

      Now that public schools are mandating masks these parents must be in a bind.

      No school will take their kids…

  16. I am saddened and horrified that the Matzav would allow something be published that could potentially hard so many Jews worldwide, especially at this time when we are on the radar. At a time when everyone is looking at the Jews under a microscope, that is precisely the time to tighten our rules, make sure we follow all protocols and make a Kiddush Hashem. Whether or not your personal belief is that masks help or they don’t help, its irrelevant. This should NOT be a published article. This is completely wrong to potentially provide fodder for any journalist who would use this as “proof” that Orthodox Jews don’t follow rules.
    The Matzav will have to have the achrius if any harm comes to anyone because of this article, and there is a great deal of achrius right there. My refute to the actual article is as follows. There is no proof anywhere that masks cause harm. Children only react the way they see their parents react. If we wear masks calmly, and show them how to take a break when they need one, then they will wear it without fuss. My kids all wear masks all day long with no problems at all. Even my 4 year old wears one and doesn’t even complain once. Children will not complain that they are being abused. To use that word, is to demean people who suffer real abuse. Social distancing is not propaganda, it has been proved over and over again to be a working safe guard. In addition, to imply, even without stating it directly, that our Rabbanim are fools, is a tremendous travesty. We are obligated to follow the direction of our rabbanim. They are wise men, who have spent their whole life answering peoples most difficult questions based on the Torah. Please do not disparage them insinuating that they are being deceived. If this writer spoke to someone who cannot give her evidence that shows that masks and social distancing work, than please contact me, I can provide many experts who work in the field of science and medicine who can show studies and proofs 10 fold over. This whole article reeks of extremism and conspiracy theory. To say that Baltimore has no epidemic is to laugh in the face of their suffering. My sons yeshiva and also Ner Yisroel suffered terribly. Many Rabbeim ended up in the hospital. Many boys were sick and needed oxygen. Please daven for Rebbetzin Aviva Bas Shain Chaya, the wife of the Menahel Ruchani Rabbi Weisbord. She still needs our tefillos.
    Please remove this article at once before it does irreparable harm.

    • In short, the truth hurts. How about proving that masks prevent from viruses? If anything, 99% patients in hospitals are mask-wearers full time or most of the time, according the CDC.

  17. Thank G-d we are all smart enough to not buy any of your lies. If that were not so, I would write a counter article blasting every dumb thing you said.

  18. Can someone post the definitive studies that mask actually work to protect from a virus when the virus is way smaller than what the mask actually filters? Why is the average Dr. In the “medical community” all of a sudden a “mask expert”. Fauci himself said they were not necessary. Until they chnaged the narrative. People like to think they are DOING something to help. Masks fit the bill. Show the proof…

  19. You want evidence that masks help, And children do spread COVID? Here:

    Children catching and spreading

  20. a rebbe or teacher doesn’t have to die or suffer complications because your child is “suffocating”! it might be that children don’t suffer as badly from corona but they are still capable of spreading it. kids are also terrible at staying in their own space they are a huge vectors for disease!

  21. hey matzav do you enjoy Jewish people dying? its one thing to be pro opening schools but to totally wholesale negate any obligation to protect others. why?? do you want schools permanently closed for the foreseeable future? follow the mandate and atleast look like your following the rules. but instead do nothing and then people will cry “why why why.”why? because you can’t do a simple thing! I see the Jewish people only have one trait gemelas chasadim. because rachmanis and busha are clearly lacking!

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