The Oldest Bochur in Chevron Yeshiva: 72-Year-Old R’ Dovid Suissa z”l

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It is with great sadness that reports the passing of R’ Dovid Suissa z”l, the oldest bochur at the Chevron Yeshiva in Givat Mordechai. He passed away at Shaare Zedek Hospital in Yerushalayim at the age of 72.

Dovid came from Morocco and joined the Chevron Yeshiva years ago.

He became very close to the roshei yeshiva, including the rosh yeshiva Rav Dovid Cohen, with whom he learned.

Dovid was loved by all, and the bochurim of the yeshiva looked up to him and consulted with him.

Although he did not get married, R’ Dovid’s spirit was never broken. He would sit in the yeshiva every day and learn all three sedorim each day right up until his last days. He always sat in the bais medrash and learned with the energy of a young bochur.

Yehi zichro boruch.

{ Israel}



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