The “Tish Fish” Keychain – New Product Says, “Take the Rebbe With You”

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“Tish” necklaces and keychains are new products made out of real shirayim taken from a rebbe‘s tish – all fish.

Shirayim is known for its segulos and now you have an opportunity to take it with you,” the company’s website says.

The company says that it currently has fish from the tishen of the Toldos Aharon Rebbe in Yerushalayim and the Skulener Rebbe of Lakewood. Their supply from the Toldos Aharon Rebbe, they say, is “limited.”

The necklaces are $50 and the keychains cost $40.

If a customer has a specific rebbe whose shiurim they want, the company tries to obtain fish from those tishen. 

The fish – both salmon and gefilte fish – “is very well preserved in resin,” the company says, stating that the fish does not smell once it is in that state.

The company offers to have the fish cut into a specific shape, like a heart or a letter, if a customer would like that.

The company’s ad says, “Take the rebbe with you wherever you go” and asks for “serious inquiries only.”

Listen to a conversation between a customer and the company owner:


  1. Let’s assume this is not just a spoof:
    I thought the idea was to eat shirayim at the event. The inventiveness of the segulah industry should be put to better use.
    Next, we’ll see documents proving that the food fragments are genuine. Only the real thing is worth the big bucks!

  2. אם ראשונים בני מלאכים אנו בני אנשים ואם ראשונים בני אנשים אנו כחמורים

    This deifying of leaders and the manufactire of segulos is such a degrading level that we have fallen to that it is no wonder that Moshiach is delayed. I, too, will reach for shirayim at a tish. In all of our history, I have never, ever heard of carrying around a morsel of fish as a seguloh. And I challenge the company that is running this scam to find a source that is reputable. But I am sure this fad will meet up with, at least, limited success. There is no shortage of fools, nor of gullible people that will invoke segulos as substitutes for true Avodas Hashem. After all, in these days of Ikvasa Dimeshicho, we are told that many of our spiritual and moral values will be cast upside down.

    I do wish this company success. But I also wish they would do something that is honest and reputable. So far, I am not convinced.

  3. It about nine more months till Purim. It’s a little early for a Purim shpiel isn’t it.

    There are too many people around whose brains are over rested.

  4. There are people who have fish images on the back of their cars. Without going into details, that religion started off the same way, with veneration of a person, and its adherents claim to possess someone’s leftover everything – from his wooden chips to his ערלה.

  5. interesting that most of the ads in the “frum magazines”
    are from “not for profits”
    and companys offering segulos
    best business in the world
    regular businesses cant afford to advertise

  6. They should team up with the Rebbe’s Choice Herring Company, which sells fish to Modern Orthodox Neo-Chasidim.

    Some people in the 5T and Bergen county are known to have disposable income.

  7. Like one joke going around: A man bought one of these chains for his wife. Now he’s a ‘hois-bachur’ by the rebbe!

  8. We have already seen photos plastered in cars for protection, hoshanos leaves, and now this.
    Are amulets with earth from Uman coming next? What about schlissel chalah crumbs from the rebetzin’s batch? Bottles of water from the Rebbes’ mikvaos, hairs fallen out of their beards, tissues with tears from Neila, used Chanuka wicks?
    Emulate them, if they are great and holy people, instead of picking up their leftovers and waste, and thinking that one could fulfill his Yiddishkeit in magical and easy ways.

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