Thousands Of Mashgichim in Israel Without Work

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At a meeting of the Knesset Labor and Welfare Committee, chareidi and religious MKs complained that 4,000 mashgichim will lose their jobs when a new law breaking up the role of the Rabbinate in kashrus supervision comes into effect.

Committee Chairman MK Efrat Reitan-Marom agreed there is no plan or solution for their future welfare.

{ Israel}


    • Firstly, if you think kashrus is not an “umnus” you obviously know nothing about kashrus and the intense training necessary to enter this field. It’s an umnus like any other.
      Secondly, even if there was no training necessary, I have a niggling feeling you wouldn’t say the same if they would put 4,000 taxi drivers out of work?

  1. Good, now let them use their brains, and all their wasted free time, to open up factories to produce the latest weaponry. Israel has enemies from all sides and the USA is no longer reliable.


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