Tourists Bamboozled By Confusing Covid Rules in Israel

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Many tourists traveling to Israel have been bamboozled by constant changes in confusing rules, while others found ways to skirt them.

Among other things, Israel decided to delay its acceptance of the Russian-made Sputnik vaccine from November 15 until December 1, leaving passengers about to embark to Israel with no alternative than to return home. In another blunder, the Knesset Law Committee was trying to emend regulations that prevent people recovered from Covid from entering Israel by demanding electronic certificates to prove their claims. This was preventing many US citizens from visiting Israel.

Paradoxically, many tourists discovered that no one at Ben Gurion Airport was asking for documented proof of their claims of vaccination or recent recovery, and that things were working on an honor basis.

On the positive side, as reported earlier today by, tourists will no longer need to present negative PCR tests on arrival, and can use the cheaper antigen tests instead. But antigen tests will need to done within 24 hours of flying to Israel, versus 72 hours allowed for PCR tests.

It was also decided that first-degree relatives of Israelis who fail to meet the criteria to enter Israel can apply for special permission to attend family weddings, provided they commit to quarantine. Still, travelers reported glitches in filling out the paperwork for this new regulation.

Israel is also considering banning entry to tourists from some countries after a surge of morbidity in parts of Europe.

{ Israel}


  1. Poor English.
    “Bamboozled” means to be deliberately fooled. Here we are dealing with ordinary Israeli stupid bureaucracy

    The word used here should not be “emend”, but amend.

  2. Israel keeps changing its rules as they see more and more people are waking up to the truth about the death jab.

  3. true that Israel bureaucracy is “stupid”, but they are caught between worrying about Covid, toursim biz, and families kept apart.


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