On Friday, a short time before Shabbos began, the body of Ephraim Nachum Rom, a 22 bochur from the Bayit Vagan neighborhood of Yerushalayim, was discovered after he had been missing since last Monday.
Many volunteers participated in the efforts to locate him, with the understanding that as time went on, the risk to his life increased.
Dozens of yeshiva students from various yeshivos around the country joined the search since Thursday, assisting the rescue forces in the search, especially near Moshav Meron, where Ephraim was last seen.
On Friday, his body was found in an open area near Moshav Amirim, in the Upper Galilee in Northern Israel, where MDA paramedics pronounced his death.
The police stated that from a preliminary examination, there is no suspicion of criminality.
Ephraim was a son of Rabbi Zev Rom, who is a son of the late Rabbi Yonah Rom, rov of the Makor Boruch and Kerem neighborhoods. His mother is a daughter of Rav Bentzion Bordiansky, one of the roshei yeshiva of Yeshiva Kol Torah in Bayit Vagan neighborhood of the capital.
Ephraim was named after his great-grandfather, Rav Ephraim Nachum Bordiansky.
He was a talmid of Yeshiva Knesses Yisroel in Chadera.
During the search, his mother, Leah, said that her son was in Meron last weekend to visit the kever of Rashbi, and on Monday he contacted her and told her that he had someone who recommended that he check out a yeshiva in Yavniel that might be right for him.
Since that conversation, they hadn’t spoken.
The levayah was held tonight at the Shamgar Funeral Home in Yerushalayim, followed by kevurah on Har Hamenuchos.
Yehi zichro boruch.
{Matzav.com Israel}
Please change your headline. Writing “found dead” is very insensitive and goyish. This is not how Yidden report tragic news r”l.
How did such a thing happen? Seems like an appropriate time to review the parsha of עגלה ערופה and learn the lessons thereof.
We need to be very sensitive; this boy had a very high Neshama. He came from an exceptional Mishpacha. Whatever the circumstances were is not important. What is important is to feeel the Tzaar of every yid and Daven that we should greet Moshiach bekarov mamish.