TRAGEDY IN YERUSHALAYIM: Bochur Killed in Wall Collapse

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A 25-year-old bochur, a resident of Bnei Brak, was fatally injured when a wall collapsed on him on Rechov Baal Shem Tov in the Beis Yisrael neighborhood of Yerushalayim.

The incident occurred in an apartment where bochurim live, adjacent to the Mir Yeshiva. According to sources, the wall collapsed due to renovation work in an apartment near the building.

Emergency services performed resuscitation on the young man and transferred him to the hospital, where doctors were forced to declare his petirah.

The police announced that an investigation into the circumstances has commenced.

Firefighters deployed to the scene managed to extract the young man from under the debris. The commander of the firefighting forces in the area, Lt. Col. Oren Avrahami, reported that a the building wall had collapsed.

The bochur was later identified as Yitzchok (Itzik) Steinberger z”l, a talmid in Nachlaot.

{ Israel}


  1. The murderous contractor should be dropped in middle of Kan Yunis and fend for himself. Filthy evil scum of the earth. A rasha merusha.

  2. They were pouring concrete aginst the outside of the wall without any formwork or shoring. A stone wall cannot withstand that kind of lateral force, and the bottom of the wall blew out. The contractors and workers involved should be charged with negligent homicide.


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