Trump Blasts More Ukraine Aid: ‘Joe Biden Should Not Be Dragging Us Further Toward World War III’

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In a statement released on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump voiced his concern about President Joe Biden’s actions, suggesting that they are pushing the nation closer to the brink of World War III. Trump called for an immediate end to the violence in Ukraine and a shift in focus back to America’s core interests.

Trump’s remarks were in response to the Biden administration’s decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine, despite President Biden’s acknowledgment that the nation’s supply of such munitions is running low.

During an interview on CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS, President Biden explained his decision, stating, “It took me a while to be convinced to do it. But the main thing is, they either have the weapons to stop the Russians now…keep them from stopping the Ukrainian offensive through these areas, or they don’t. And I think they needed them.”

Breitbart reports that Trump, however, believes it is a mistake, asserting that Biden is essentially “dragging us further toward World War III by sending cluster munitions to Ukraine.”

Trump warned:

“He should be trying to END the war and stop the horrific death and destruction being caused by an incompetent administration. These unexploded cluster munitions will be killing and maiming innocent Ukrainian men, women, and children for decades to come, long after the war—we pray—has ended.”

He continued:

“If, as Biden inadvertently admitted, the reason for sending cluster bombs now is that the United States is “running out of ammunition” (a great breach of classified information), that only further emphasizes the urgency of immediately deescalating this bloody, dangerous, and out of control conflict. It certainly means we should not be sending Ukraine our last stockpiles at a time when our own arsenals, according to Crooked Joe Biden, are so perilously diminished.

“There could be no more vivid proof that Joe Biden’s policy of endless war in Ukraine has tremendously weakened the United States than the humiliating admission that the USA is now out of ammo, something our enemies are undoubtedly salivating over. This “admitted” weakness is an invitation to enemies all over the world. Joe Biden is needlessly and dangerously leading us into World War III, which would be a nightmare beyond imagination—obliteration!”

Trump said it is crucial to stop the “insanity” and bloodshed in Ukraine and “return to a focus on America’s vital interests.”


  1. No no no. Zelenskyy is a Saint. We must continue to send Zelenskyy and his Ukrainian olagarch buddies at least a billion dollars of US tax money every week. Zelenskyy has earned our taxpayers money.

  2. Trump would solve the problem of a potential WW3 by surrendering to Putin. Sort of like France did in WW2. No wonder he calls his movement “America First” — they were the group who wanted to make sure the US was unprepared to fight the Nazis and Japanese and opposed attempts to help Britain.

  3. It seems the news source actually agrees with Mr. Trump, as they refer to him as “former president” rather than “ex” and leave out any derogatory qualifiers like “ranted” “ran off his mouth” “as usual” “baselessly” “without evidence” etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum


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