Trump Hints He Might Give Up on Social Distancing Next Week

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So far, social distancing appears to be the only measure that works when it comes to slowing down the coronavirus pandemic. But President Donald Trump hinted late Sunday that he may be ready to abandon the practice as early as next week to ease the effect the pandemic is having on the economy.

Last Monday, the White House urged people to spend the next 15 days doing everything they can to slow the spread of the disease. He tweeted in all-caps Sunday night: “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF. AT THE END OF THE 15 DAY PERIOD, WE WILL MAKE A DECISION AS TO WHICH WAY WE WANT TO GO!” The 15-day period is set to end next Tuesday. Anthony Fauci, an infectious-diseases expert and a prominent member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, has said previously that he thinks it will take several more weeks until people can start carrying on with their lives as normal. Read more at The New York Times.



    • People don’t die from socializing with those who do not have the flu (corona). Do all members in your family wear masks at home?

  1. The economy can recover, but dead people can’t. I hope President Trump doesn’t relax the social distancing initiative.

  2. distance the DemocRATS from Congress and have them PASS THE STIMULUS BILL “AS IS” – don’t add anything that doesn’t solve the VIRUS

  3. If President Trump gives up social distancing from certain neighborhoods it means that the coronas (the Deep State & Cabal) have been eradicated from there. Keep praying for President Trump to eradicate all Coronas in the world.

  4. “Trump Hints He Might Give Up on Social Distancing Next Week”
    Why? You caught them all? Can you PLEASE show us what GITMO looks like?


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