Trump Says Jewish Democrats ‘Hate’ Their Religion

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Former president Donald Trump again said that the Democratic Party “hates Israel” and that Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats “hate” their religion, echoing previous attacks he’s made about Jewish Democrats.

“I think they hate Israel,” Trump said of Democrats. He then said that Democrats “see a lot of votes” among Americans who oppose the Israel-Gaza war. The comments were in a lengthy interview with his former adviser Sebastian Gorka posted online on Monday.

“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion,” Trump added.

Trump made the comments in response to a question from Gorka on Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) call for a “new election” in Israel last week.

Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish official in the United States and a staunch ally of Israel, said on the Senate floor on Thursday that he thinks Israelis understand “better than anybody that Israel cannot hope to succeed as a pariah opposed by the rest of the world” and would choose better leaders if elections were held.

Schumer suggested that Israel hold new elections “once the war starts to wind down” to “express their vision for the postwar future,” and that the outcome of the election would be up to the Israelis – not Americans. But many Republicans took Schumer’s words as an attack on Israel, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) describing the call for a new election as “grotesque.”

Trump, in his interview with Gorka, went on a lengthy rant on the Democratic Party and Jewish Democrats. Doubling down on his attack on Schumer, the former president said that the Senate majority leader “was always pro-Israel” but that he’s “very anti-Israel now.”

“When you see those Palestinian marches, even I am amazed at how many people are in those marches,” Trump said. “And guys like Schumer see that and to him it’s votes.”

In a post on X on Monday, Schumer said making “Israel a partisan issue only hurts Israel and the US-Israeli relationship.”

“Trump is making highly partisan and hateful rant,” he said. “I am working in a bipartisan way to ensure the US-Israeli relationship sustains for generations to come, buoyed by peace in the Middle East.”

(c) 2024, The Washington Post · Mariana Alfaro 


  1. from Mosaic Magazine (2019/10/30):

    …the extreme progressive Democrats and their allies
    who try to delegitimize and demonize Israel have
    managed [to make commonplace] a set of mantras…
    about the Israel-Palestinian conflict without
    questioning their veracity. For instance:

    “Israel is or is bound to become an apartheid state
    or lose its Jewish identity”;

    “Israel is a colonialist and racist state that illegally
    occupies Palestinian territory and builds illegal settlements”;

    “Israel occupies Gaza”; [and other] nonsensical claims.

    SOURCE: When It Comes to Israel, Moderate
    Democrats Are Now Under the Sway of Progressives

    Samuel Fistel said this on 2019/10/30:

    “They [Democrats and Leftists] believe that Judaism
    and Christianity are the opiate of the masses,
    but they love Islam as the only legitimate religion,
    since, as the religion of the non-whites,
    it forms a counterbalance to Judaism and Christianity.”

    SOURCE: Comments section of:
    Ex-UN Envoy Nikki Haley Blasts Democratic
    Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders for Plan
    to Condition US Military Aid to Israel on
    Humanitarian Relief for Hamas-Ruled Gaza

    by Benjamin Kerstein, found in:
    The Algemeiner, 2019/10/29

    Daniel Greenfield said:

    “The Democrats have made it clear that
    if they win the presidential election, they
    will restore the flow of cash to the terrorists.”

    SOURCE: Loyal and Disloyal Jews
    by Daniel Greenfield, 2019 September 1,
    from SultanKnish on blogspot com

    Keith Ellison, an anti-Israel Muslim, became
    Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee
    of DNC members, according to Wikipedia.

  2. Interesting that non-Jews should realize it. But it’s not only Democrats. It’s all G-dless Jews.

    • do not forget whose who will never give up all the freebies the democrats give them.
      yeah yeah, tell me I’m an anti semite, but I’m not the one driving a $1800 a month Suburban and paying for my food with food stamps, WIC, etc

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