TWISTED: Reform “Synagogue” Challenges Florida’s 15-Week Abortion Ban – Over Religion!

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Oh how lost they are. How estranged they are from their roots and heritage.

A new Florida law prohibiting abortion after 15 weeks with some exceptions violates religious freedom rights of Jews in addition to the state constitution’s privacy protections, a Reform “synagogue” claims in a lawsuit.

Ynet reports that the lawsuit filed by the Reform Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor of Boynton Beach contends the law that takes effect July 1 violates Jewish teachings, which state abortion “is required if necessary to protect the health, mental or physical well-being of the woman” and for other reasons.

“As such, the act prohibits Jewish women from practicing their faith free of government intrusion and this violates their privacy rights and religious freedom,” says the lawsuit, filed Friday in Leon County Circuit Court. The lawsuit adds that people who “do not share the religious views reflected in the act will suffer” and that it “threatens the Jewish people by imposing the laws of other religions upon Jews.”

The lawsuit is the second challenge to the 15-week abortion ban enacted earlier this year by the Legislature and signed into law by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Planned Parenthood and other reproductive health providers also sued earlier this month to block the law from taking effect.

Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor is led by Rabbi Barry Silver who says on the synagogue’s website that it practices “the Judaism of tomorrow today” that respects science, tradition and spirituality. Silver calls himself a “Rabbi-rouser” on his own website.



  1. Based on the logic behind the lawsuit any religion that believes their religion requires/allows the murder of anyone (like infidels) should be able to challenge the murder laws

  2. No no no. He’s not Frum “YET”. We must bend over backwards, twist ourselves into pretzels, and use wild creative imagination in order to be dan licaf zchus our enemies and those that seek to destroy our Torah! Dan licaf zchus comes first. It is thee most important mitzvah in the Torah.

  3. “Rabbinic literature is abundantly clear that fetuses with beating hearts are alive, just as the new Texas law mandates. This has been the accepted ruling for millennia and doesn’t change at the whim of the modern pseudo-scholars of ‘Rabbis for Repro’ who try to force their ‘woke’ personal values into timeless Jewish teachings. They make Judaism look repugnant in the eyes of anyone who recognizes that an unborn child is a human being worthy of protection, which is the very definition of desecration of G-d’s name.”

    As outlined, the Bible identifies human life as a soul placed (breathed) within a body by G-d himself, with inestimable sanctity and value. Jewish legal codes likewise value a fetus as a clear and identifiable human life. The Talmud and Code of Jewish Law require violation of the Sabbath, which is permitted only to save a life, to open the womb of a deceased woman whose fetus may have survived. Abortion is permitted only in order to save the life of the mother, “because her life precedes his.”

    “The simple truth is that Jewish Law prohibits abortion,” said CJV Rabbinic Circle Chairman Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer. “An on-demand approach to abortion, no matter what Jewish advocates may say, violates Judaism’s clear and emphatic declaration of the sanctity of life.”

    • “Jewish legal codes likewise value a fetus as a clear and identifiable human life”

      That is a false statement and you know that. The Talmud describes an embryo as mere water up to 40 days post conception (at least 52 days as we calculate it now) and as a limb of the mother until birth. The mishnah even demands that we dismember a fetus of a mother in labor to save the mother’s life.

      This post is as much a distortion of Jewish teaching as the stuff the Reform movement does.

  4. This is less concerning than the fact that more than a few centrist modern rabbis have been vocally defending abortion on demand

  5. What a shame that his mother didn’t have an abortion before he was created.
    Guess his mother wasn’t as “frum” as he is

  6. The lessons that are lost ruin children’s care bout t dry is the life of the Ba’al teshuvah.

    This story is a knack. The whole that Hashem bothered to let them ‘set up’ is a derangement of the heart and crosed place for the soul. Hope it joins more ba’al teshuvah.

  7. Reform is NOT Judaism. Therefore, a Reform spiritual leader is NOT a Rabbi, and a Reform place of worship is NOT a synagogue.

  8. Relax and hear him out.
    His argument is that if the fetus were a health threat to the mother then according to religion she would be allowed to abort at any point in the pregnancy (rodef status).
    I’m pretty sure that’s consistent with halacha.

  9. Wait a minute. This guy looks exactly like Jeffrey Epstein. I always knew, this hoax that he hung himself, was a big lie.

  10. I would like to know where Barry Silver got his Smicha from before calling him a Rabbi. His father Sam was one of the first “rabbis” to perform intermarriages, a fact of which he is very proud and follows in his footsteps to this day. He practices something he calls “Cosmic Judaism” which I’m pretty sure is even further from authentic Judaism than Reconstructionist Judaism (if that is even possible). From reading his past newspaper articles he appears to be an anti-Frum Apikores of the worst kind. Just another left wing liberal Jew trying to be relevant in todays wacky world.

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