U.S.’s 2021 COVID Deaths More Than Double Last Year’s

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The U.S. COVID-19 death count for 2021 is more than double the toll the pandemic exacted last year, according to government data and Johns Hopkins University. More than 770,000 have died this year, compared to the roughly 385,000 deaths from 2020. The climb is due in part to the spread of the Delta variant and the refusal of millions of Americans to not be vaccinated, even as the shots have proven to be safe and effective at reducing severe illness and death.

“Heading into this year, we knew what we needed to do, but it was a failure of getting it done,” Abraar Karan, an infectious-diseases doctor at Stanford University, told The Wall Street Journal. The saddening milestone was reached a day after the CDC gave the final approval necessary for COVID vaccine boosters to be administered. Read more at The Wall Street Journal.



  1. The climb is due to sleepy joe having screwed up the entire excellent work & warp speed that President Donald Trump had implemented & proceeded with, to keep the Corona at bay.

  2. Many people winning the Darwin awards.
    Halacha says ushmartem meod es nafshoseichem.
    People do get sick, some have long lasting symptoms, and some have died from this mashchis.
    It’s reality and saying something else is like denying gravity.
    Get vaccinated
    A concerned physician

    • So why are so many people who ARE vaccinated coming down with Covid now? There are 3 people from our Shul alone who are fully vaccinated (one of them even got his booster) and still caught Covid? If the vaccines are not preventing one from getting Covid, what’s the point of getting vaccinated and follow up boosters? Those who already had Covid, have much higher antibody counts than those who didn’t and only took their vaccines.

    • If you are a physician you should lose your license as you obviously don’t notice that all or 99% patients in hospitals were vaccinated at least with 1 or 2 lethal jabs; hence the double or triple increase of death from last year. Or is it Big Pharma’s bribes that blinds you to the truth or forces you to lie, sadly like many other doctors. Shame on you and all physicians who are out to murder innocent people.

  3. This article is wrong. The total for 2020-2021 is more than double all of 2020. But the total for 2021 is only slightly higher than 2020. Read the story carefully. We do NOT have over 1,000,000 deaths overall which is what the headline implies

  4. A bunch of lies – nothing new from the corrupt CDC.
    walk into any shul, speak to any gabbai, and see how many less aveilim there are this than last year.
    Ever since Covid was ‘invented’ anyone who died was obviously’ because of Covid no matter if it was in a car accident or whatever…. with the exception of BLM or Jan. 6.
    I’m assuming that the only reason that matziv posted this, because they’re hoping that their intelligent subscribers know how to read between the lines…..

    • More people are etting sick and dying than in your small neck of the country. There were areas barely hit last year when NY was hit hard. So they got hit in 2021 and are still spreading it, getting sick etc. I had a relative die of covid this year. Family is still in aveilus and I am not alone.

      Now people act as if there never was covid and are coming to shul, work, school and events sick. Without testing. Coughing all over people. Having had covid doesn’t mean you cant get it again!! And no, the frum community does not all have covid antibodies!!
      I am nervous about another wave hitting the frum community.
      Stop pretending it doesnt exist anymore. Dont expose others to your germs unless you were tested post symptoms!

      • Yes, I agree. Nevertheless we must not panic unnecessarily. We have to daven to Hashem for shmira and use the seichel HKB”H gave us to stay safe. My own 83+year old Father was nifter from Covid (he had many other medical complications as well) last year, even though my Mother and Father were in complete quarantine the entire time. Even, us children were not allowed to visit. Both my Parents caught Covid at the same time. My Mother, B”H had an extremely mild case and less than 24 hours later she was 100% better. My father was put on a ventilator and never recovered R”L. When a person’s time on this earth is up, there is nothing one can do to prevent it from happening. If it wasn’t Covid, it would of been something else. These are the basic tenets of Emunah. We can’t sow panic and fear. It accomplishes nothing. We’ve got to keep on davening to the Aibishter.

  5. Lies, and more lies.

    “The climb is due in part to the spread of the Delta variant and the refusal of millions of Americans to not be vaccinated, even as the shots have proven to be safe and effective at reducing severe illness and death.”

    Most Americans have one or both of natural or vaccine immunity.

    If, despite that, there are still more cases, then there is only one reason why there would be more cases post-vaccines than pre-vaccines….


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