UAE President Congratulates Israeli PM Lapid On Taking Office

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i24 News – United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayed on Thursday congratulated Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid on taking office. The president wished Lapid every success and stressed the importance of continuing people-to-people relations.

The signing of the US-brokered Abraham Accords in 2020 normalized diplomatic ties between Israel and the UAE.

Lapid also sent his wishes to bin Zayed on the occasion of the feast of sacrifice, Eid al-Adha, which will begin on Shabbos for Muslims.

The two leaders reaffirmed that it is crucial to strengthen tourism and economic partnerships between the countries. They also spoke of the need to expand the circle of the Abraham Accords to other countries in the region.

The conversation between Lapid and bin Zayed comes about a month after former prime minister Naftali Bennett visited the Emirates, where he met the president.

“Today, another floor has been built together in the special bond forged between the two countries for the growth and security of both peoples,” Bennett said.

Lapid became Israel’s 14th prime minister last week. He will perform this function until the new ballot, which will take place on November 1st.


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