Biden Flies Illegal Alien Minors Out of Texas for Abortions

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From a Breitbart report: Reuters reports that the Biden administration has “been flying or driving minors from Texas shelters to other states for abortions.”

Texas has outlawed abortion, and to try and turn the Lone Star state blue, Biden has opened the border in Texas. So most illegals end up in Texas, where they can’t get an abortion.

The Reuters’ cry-me-a-river headline reads: “Abortion worries heightened for unauthorized immigrants in the U.S.”

“Unauthorized immigrants” is Newspeak for “illegal alien who should immediately be deported but isn’t because Democrats need a captive future voting bloc.”

Not only is Joe Biden allowing illegal aliens to swarm into Texas, he’s transporting minor illegal aliens — children — to states outside of Texas to kill their babies and has been for some time—nine months, actually, if you can appreciate a ghoulish kind of irony.


  1. It wasn’t long ago that U.S. foreign aid was restricted from going toward abortion. However, the Heritage website notes that while, “This narrow rule has been in place since 1973.., pro-abortion Democrats work around it. For instance, they funnel tax dollars to U.N. entities, which then fund and promote abortion….”
    The Heritage website goes on to say: “Biden has told government agencies ‘to ensure that adequate funds are being directed to support women’s health needs globally, including… reproductive rights’.”
    …”The Biden administration ‘dramatically expanded the scope of programs that are now authorized to pay for abortion services.’ And in so doing, it ‘weaponizes foreign aid programs to fund abortion’.”
    So it’s no surprise that Biden is flying illegal alien minors out of Texas for abortions; it’s par for the course.

  2. Helping people who we are supposed to arrest is not impeachable offense?
    Opening our borders and wasting our money to bus them around is completely normal.


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