UH…WHAT? Rabbi Says “Jews Will Take Up Arms Against Putin”

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Jewish Ukrainians will stand united with their fellow citizens in taking up arms against a Russian invasion, a rabbi has told THEJC.COM. In an interview in Kiev, Rabbi Meir Stambler called for the world to “step up for Ukraine” in the face of Putin’s threat, as more than 100,000 Russian troops have been deployed on the border, amid fears a major conflict could break out in weeks.

Asked if members of the Jewish community will fight if war breaks out, the chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine said: “Jews are very, very involved in everything in Ukraine, in the government, business, the army as well.”

Rabbi Stambler warned of possible war: “It’s a threat, it’s a threat to democracy, it’s a threat to everyone. War is not good for any side. We pray, we try and do whatever we can to keep calm, in every way we can. This is the time for all people to try and back Ukraine. The world has to step up for Ukraine because it’s not just Ukraine, it’s the world.”

He added in his interview with THEJC.COM: “…Jews are here, we have very good years with our Ukrainian neighbours, we are part of the population. But the ground is soaked with blood here, Jewish blood. We feel part of the population so it’s very difficult. But it’s important because you can’t build anything without learning your history.”



  1. i think best not to publicize these comments
    whatever is said is dangerous…
    the Rabbi may have no choice and he has to give an interview but best not to publicize

  2. Just what we need, provocative rhetoric from another Lubavitcher.

    These Lubavitchers don’t represent the Jewish community in general.

    • Saying we’re on the side of the country we live in isn’t provocative. Keeping quiet and implying they’re pro Russia just because another lubavitcher is the pseudo head of the Jews in the invading country wouldn’t be too smart.

  3. The Jewish community in Ukraine is represented by Rabbi Bleach. Not whoever this fellow is.
    And no, the fact that a couple of nutjobs conspired to remove Rabbi Bleich doesn’t mean that they represent Ukrainian Jewry either. Very few people in Ukraine actually respect the people who came in and tried to take over the life’s work that Rabbi Bleich put in. They can see right through it and see that it was a cash/power grab.

  4. what is so provocative about a Ukranian citizen saying we will stand up for our country if invaded? Seems like “Editor” needs his head examined.

  5. Lubavitch Bashing . First of all because he’s possibly Lubavitch dosent mean he represents Lubavitch . He lives in Ukrain so he has to talk the talk and walk the walk.I’ll bet if Rabbi Bleich the Chief Rabbi who’s a Stoliner was interviewed he would have say the same thing to keep the Jews safe. If not chas vesholom in times of unrest there could be pogroms.Whenever you have armed goyim running around it is a danger to yidden.
    SHAME ON THE LUBAVITCH BASHERS who use any opportunity to disparage Lubavitch. I’ll bet you when your overseas you keep your biased mouth closed and eagerly use Lubavitch when needed


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