UN Declares The Har Habayis As Solely A Muslim Site

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139 UN countries approved a resolution on Wednesday that referred to the Har Habayis in Yerushalayim solely as an Islamic holy site called al-Haram al-Sharif,  Tovah Lazaroff reports at the JPost.
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said the resolution “completely ignores any link between the Jewish people and the Temple Mount – our holiest site. This is a disgrace. The audacious attempt to rewrite history will not change the indisputable fact that the Jewish connection to the city of Jerusalem dates back thousands of years.”
Nine countries voted against the resolution, including Australia, Canada, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru and the U.S. Another 16 abstained.
European countries that supported the resolution included Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK.
{Matzav.com Israel News Bureau}


  1. And just because the UN days so it is immediately a fact?

    The UN is a tired worthless organization that has become totally one sided and prejudiced.

    The time has come for the US to boot them out of NYC and free up some prime real estate.

  2. And Israel should declare that the UN are United Nothings. Who elected them? Who appointed them? Who gives a hoot what they have to say? Let Israel do what President Trump did – throw them out.

  3. and the next thing you know, the UN will call the USA we were raised in to be non-existent . that, at least, will be true. maybe the UN will erase us from the world map

  4. Obviously all those goyim that promote this travesty will burn, but it was the Israeli elites’ (the one-eyed jerk named Moshe Dayan in particular) refusal to accept the gift of 1967 miracle, that gave away the holiest place in Judaism to be trampled by the islamonazis. Even the position of many frum people is disgraceful: they are completely at peace with the filthy islamonazis desecrating our holiest place. I can’t help but to realize that the only reason why we are not given a Geula is because we don’t really want it and are not willing to accept it. So, let the outside enemies be destroyed, but we gotta look inside for the real culprit.

  5. Patience. Going onto Har HaBayis is for the time being punishable with koreis. Let only the goyim incur in “hazor hakoreiv yoomas” until we have the eyfer parah adumah

  6. Since I am a card-carrying member of Aguda, my understanding of HKBH and His Torah is consistent with the views of the Moetzes and other Yeshivshe poskim. Their unanimous opinion is that Yidden may not go onto the Har HaBayis. The expressions “Issur Korais” and “safeik d’Oraisa l’chumra” usually enter the conversation right about now. Under the current “matsav,” no Chareidim go onto the Temple Mount, though many non-Chareidi Shomrei Shabbos do enter the Temple Mount.

    I ask the following rhetorical question. Suppose the Chiloni, Moshe Dayan, who did give “away the holiest place in Judaism to be trampled by the islamonazis,” instead gave it to the Rabbanut or had it managed by the Medina. Certainly our opponents, the Chilonim, would have bought their own style of desecration to Har HaBayis. It is at least possible that worse desecration of Har HaBayis would be caused by the Chilonim than by the islamonazis. Though the chilonim are atheists, the islamonazis are monotheists.

  7. To the Yeshivish In Name Only, you are wrong: the choice is not between a desecration of Har Habais by the chilonim or desecration by the islamonazis – you should at least verbally promote, irrelevant to whether it’s currently politically “possible” or not, that no one should desecrate our holiest place – not the Jews and not the Arabs. The fact that you sleep well at night and not only don’t bother with a minor word to protest this disgrace, but are actually satisfied with the situation, proves that you don’t really want the Geula deep inside. By the very definition, a goodness can not be forced upon a recipient. H’ gives us as much as we are willing to take. Desire more. Don’t be satisfied with the potatoes when sitting at a table laden with all kinds of delicacies.

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