VIDEO & FULL REPLAY: Rebbitzen Kolodetsky’s Surprising Bracha at The Bonei Olam Vzakeini Challah Bake

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It was an evening laced with joy and longing. The beginning of the end of Chanuka, but the start of Zos Chanuka, a day potent with the power of miracles.

Abbey Wolin hosted the event with anecdotes, stories, and lessons.

Over 25,500 participants watched enchanting musical performances by Shaindy Plotzker and Risa Drizin and watched as Raizy Fried prepared dishes that looked beautiful and simple to recreate.

The highlight of the evening was a blessing from Rebbetzin Kolodetsky, daughter of Rebbetzin Kanievsky A”H, who joined the Challah bake from Eretz Yisrael. The Rebbetzin heard about the V’zakeini initiative and was touched by the power of so many women caring about, davening for, and doing for one couple each week. As she davened after her Hafrashas Challah, she gave a bracha  to each of the V’zakeini couples that the thousands of women daven for should have their yeshua that month and be blessed with healthy children. After the Rebbetzin’s hafrasha, the mood was ripe with emotion as Charlene Aminoff, Raizy Fried, and Abbey Wolin took their own Hafrashas Challah live, as many participants did so from their own homes.

Bonei Olam created the V’zakeini movement to harness the power of women in prayer while lighting their Shabbos candles and to help more childless couples become parents. As 18,000 women light Shabbos candles, they’ll bring light into another home, by donating $1 each week towards the $18,000 treatment of a couple awaiting a child of their very own. 

With an outpouring of support, care, and help from women across the globe, we reached 25,000 subscribers to cover the costs of more complex IVF treatments. 

Bonei Olam has decided to raise our goal to 36,000 women. All the weekly $1 donations will come together to fund IVF treatments for more couples and their tefilos will carry the couple’s own prayers.

The zechus of joining is so much more than $1 of tzedakah. Your care and tefilah is lifting a couple from despair to hope. From empty hands to parenthood.  

Join us for the opportunity of bringing a couple from infertility to the miracle of birth.



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