Video: Mordechai ben David and Dedi Sing for Yitzchok and Michoel Gross at Schneider Hospital

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yitzchok-and-michoel-gross[Video below.] This week, Mordechai ben David and Dedi Graucher visited Yitzchok Gross, 7, and Michoel Gross, 5, as they continue to recover at Schneider Medical Center in Tikvah.

It is now almost two weeks since the children of R’ Shimon Michal Gross of Yerushalayim were accidentally exposed to a chemical agent, Phosphine, left behind by an exterminator.

Yitzchok’s and Michoel’s sisters, Yael, 2, and Avigayil, 4, both passed away following the incident.

Yidden all over the globe are urged to continue to daven for Refoel Yitzchok Eizik ben Michal and Chaim Michoel Shlomo ben Michal.

Click below to view the video of MBD and Dedi singing during their visit:

[media id=1771 width=400 height=300]

{ Israel News Bureau }


  1. #3 It should be quite obvious, if the cameras were not on the boys, they wanted their privacy. What have we become, a bunch of voyeuristic gawkers?
    If it’s about us and our need to satiate our curiosity then the more pictures the better, but if it’s about the suffering family, then let them do what they are comfortable with.
    We can daven for them, but please allow them their space.

  2. Why dont you mention the name of the person, plying the keyboard so nice. And also an other person singing standing next to him ??
    Refuoh Scheleimo to the children.

  3. that song always makes me cry; I first heard it when people were being forced out of their homes. it is a powerful t’fillah. but, for young boys in need of cheering up? why didn’t they sing something leibidik?

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