Virus-Sniffing Dogs Are Being Deployed In The Fight Against COVID-19

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COVID-sniffing canines have become an unexpected weapon in the battle against the deadly virus — and have already been deployed from Florida to New York to Massachusetts, the NY Post reports.

The specially trained canines are now scouring schools in Massachusetts to detect the virus, a precaution before students return to class.

“They love to work,” Bristol County Sheriff’s spokesman Jonathan Darling told CBS News. “And then when they’re not working, they just want to give you kisses and we love it.”

The COVID-detecting dogs love the work, according to Bristol County Sheriff’s spokesman Jonathan Darling.

The sheriff’s office sent two Labradors to Florida International University, which specializes in training dogs to find COVID in people and surfaces through its Global Forensic and Justice Center at its campus in Miami.

Researchers at the school had been working on identifying odors and scents dogs could be trained to detect since 1993 — and added COVID to the list in 2020, the school said.

The trained pups have even found their way to the Big Apple since the pandemic hit — although the NYPD has not trained their police dogs for the virus.

With super-sensitive snouts, the dogs, primarily Beagles, can be trained to detect the scent of the virus, just as they can smell explosives, drugs, and even bed bugs.

“I started back before we even had the first lockdown,” said BioScent owner Heather Junqueira, who has 22 pups trained to sniff out the bug. “It was a little tricky in the beginning getting samples,” she said Thursday. “But one thing led to another and we did it.” Read more at NY Post.



  1. So are the human beasts who are forcing these canines to go amongst the sick, not concerned about the dog’s safety?

  2. It seems these dogs really love their work. In fact, I know one beagle who was laid off from his virus sniffing job. He became despondent. He was receiving unemployment compensation in the form of enriched dog biscuits, but he still couldn’t regain his joy, until a letter came in the mail informing him that a new sniffing job was available for him. His demeanor changed immediately, and he suddenly became himself again. He started sniffing everyone around him, even though he hadn’t even started his new job yet. He is up for promotion now, and inside sources say he could soon become the new Commissioner of the US Dog Sniffing Department. Wow! It just goes to show you, if you work hard anything can happen

  3. Afraid these dogs could be used nefariously to sniff out people for Covid 19, even if asymptomatic, in order to justify placing people into covid concentration camps, G-d forbid.


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