WAR OF WORDS: Netanyahu To Khamenei: Those Threatening Israel With Destruction Face Similar Danger

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attacked Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for using Nazi imagery to threaten Israel with destruction.

Responding to an anti-Semitic image that Khamenei shared on Twitter—a poster reading, “Palestine will be free. The final solution. Resistance is referendum”—Netanyahu tweeted: “Khamenei’s threats to carry out ‘The Final Solution’ against Israel bring to mind the Nazi ‘Final Solution’ plan to annihilate the Jewish People. He should know that any regime that threatens the destruction of the State of Israel faces a similar danger.”

The poster shows a conquered Jerusalem with photos of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani, killed in a targeted U.S. drone strike in Baghdad in January.

In a series of posts on Tuesday, Khamenei criticized the “US’s unconditional, shameless support” for the “Zionist regime,” and the “Arab and Islamic governments refraining from supporting Palestine.”

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He also wrote, “The Zionist regime is the most evident example of state terrorism. Ever since Britain’s anti-Islamic, antihuman policies put the Zionists to rule in #Palestine, they have been acting like a cancerous tumor, furthering their goals by massacring children, women and men.”

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reacted with a tweet of his own.

“The United States condemns Supreme Leader Khamenei’s disgusting and hateful anti-Semitic remarks,” he wrote. “They have no place on Twitter or on any other social media platform. We know Khamenei’s vile rhetoric does not represent the Iranian people’s tradition of tolerance.”

Khamenei subsequently denied that his statements were anti-Semitic.

“Eliminating the Zionist regime doesn’t mean eliminating Jews,” he tweeted after Netanyahu’s warning. “We aren’t against Jews. It means abolishing the imposed regime & Muslim, Christian & Jewish Palestinians choose their own govt & expel thugs like Netanyahu. This is ‘Eliminating Israel’ & it will happen.” JNS.ORG

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. So… nu… Netanyhu can not change Iran. Ayatolla still tells new voiced hard hate.

    So.. nu. Jews have commandments. Would you say Hashem has a voice too? When its Americans who call most men with beards terrorists sometimes; is Hashem holding the jews to leviticus too? How can the men of zion show up pickle bitter when the ayatollah is sharp enough a frame of good beard growth. Does a king watch over his voice more than his servant if the servant refuses commandment?

    We should give Iran reason to fear Hashem. Shavey davey Bibi is a crowd pleaser. Put up the circus tents and line up the war. Hashem still says “why is Israel asking not”.

    Amusing but scary. Hashem we do not seem to care everywhere your Torah must be. No one dulls this.

    • im trying to make sense of what your saying but its to unintelligible, what are you trying to say, Zionist say anyone with a beard is a terrorist? cause thats equally as stupid thing to say as you


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