Watch: Americans Are Paying The Price For Biden’s Failures

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  1. It just occurred to me that this is all part of the democRats’ plan: get Biden in, he’s clearly on his way out, then put Camal-a in as the top dog (sorry, Spot) in the US of A. Then two things will happen. She’s such a piece of work she’ll follow her personal (Woke, Antifa, BLM, whatever) goals, which are devastating, but she’s so incompetent that she’ll follow any lead they give her, if she can’t think of them on her own. Whatever, we clearly see that this final haven and dwelling place for Jews at the end of the Golus, is no longer safe for us. We must do everything we can to hasten Moshiach’s arrival. Hopefully, with no more tragedies, for us and for the rest of the world too.


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