Watch: Beautiful Divrei Chizuk from Mordechai Ben David

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  1. While watching this beautiful shmuz a thought came to my mind. R Mordcha was saying about the possible reasons why we were locked out of our shuls and yeshivas since we are not up to par with our davening and learning. I would also like to add the following. As someone who grew up in the 80s, we would always listen to tapes and later on CD from MBD and Avraham Fried. They would always be as Nochum Segal said at one of the Hasc concerts ” in the yiddishe taam”. However as the years progressed new singers came around with new songs. Some of these new songs incorporated not such inspiring tunes and the like. The yidden went out of mitzrayim because they didnt change their names, language, and mode of dress. I would venture to add to this if I may, their style of music. I am not sure as to why if MBD became so successful with his style of music, that cant remain the norm in todays world of music professionals. Just wanted to pen my thoughts and am welcome to hear other opinions on this issue.

  2. Very Inspirational.

    It is heartwarming to realize that my childhood music hero appears to be a Talmid Chochom !

    I would beg to differ with one of the points mentioned. [Re Yeshivas being Closed]

    The Gemoroh says LEOLAM yilmad adam afilu Shelo Lishma… Shmitoch Shelo L’shma…

    If One Learns and is not on an elevated level [few of us are…] of having the Baal Hashmua in front of our eyes, Hashem still loves and adores every word of that Learning !

    Contrary to one whom does not treat a Shul with the proper reverence, where Hashem tells us what the Navi said
    “I do not want your offerings”.

  3. to big mbd fan – 1) always look at the good things
    2) the jews purpose in the world is to mekadesh the world and making tamei music into kodesh is a good thing

    also – the metzora needed to do – “al safam yaatef” he had to – cover his mustache – WEAR A MASK
    and needed to be in isolation for 2 WEEKS like someone with coronavirus

    also the jews did not work last 6 months of the galus mitzrayim – during the last 6 makkos. maybe this is a replay of that with jews not working 6 months before the final geula. – should come soon

  4. Reb Mordche.

    I felt chills up my spine as you spoke. I feel guilty ashamed and responsible. Thank you for the call of awakening today.
    Tizku lemitzvos.
    As an after thought. How do I get these Zoom conferences. I would like to be more involved.
    Thank you

  5. MBD’s music is the best and always will be. I grew up with his music and nothing in the last 25 years holds a candle to his stunning voice, creativity and compositions (of course, Avraham Fried is great too). His sweet and melodious, yet strong, voice is unique and breathtaking. I can listen to his cds thousands of times and keep hearing new twists. And let’s not forget that he himself composed almost all of his songs back in the day; Eliyahu Hanavi, ka Ribbon, viyivaser lanu, Id rather pray and sing, etc. The whole Neshamah and Hineini albums, among others. The albums he produced from the mid 70s until the early 90s are the best that contemporary Jewish music has to offer. And, apparently, he is a derhoibene yid as well. We owe him a great debt

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