Watch: Ben Shapiro: Why I Wear A Yarmulke

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  1. Our father Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would much rather you remove your yarmulke and not curse, than cuurse with a yarmulke. He has his ideals all messed up.
    The term “Yarmulke” means, Yorei Malka, fear of Hashem. Anyone that has no problem with nivul peh, has no fear of Hashem and your wearing of a yarmelke is meaningless.

    • No. if I identify a behavior in you that needs to be corrected or changed, it doesn’t disqualify all of the things that you do which are right. We must commend the good behaviors, and lovingly be mekayem hocheach tochiach when possible. Velo sisa alav chait. (By the way, individual in field of chinuch must be very careful to follow this directive, otherwise they will destroy the talmidim rather than build them.)

    • I agree. This genoynok should wear a baseball cap. When is the last time you have heard of a yid with a baseball cap or football helmet get beaten up? Never. Mr. Ben get a cap. Sha sthil. Shoin.g

    • there is NO HETER TO SPEAK LASHON HARA just because you feel its not right.
      and there plenty of easy don lkaf zchus i can think of.

  2. Politically, he is “on the ball”, but, unfortunately, though he surely means well, some of what he said there is not in accordance with the Torah.

  3. I fear he’s conflating the off-quoted ‘judao christian values’ line with judaism.

    He’d do well to spend a sabbatical in a yeshiva full time, even a place like YU, as he never did so before. He went to a Jewish day school in a very modern community, and subsequently went to secular colleges. I think he’s a very passionate ma’amin, and would defer to Torah values should he be exposed to them.

    As far as his speech habits…while unbecoming of a Jew who is a ruach mamamaleh, defined by the quality of speech, the words he uses are not strictly speaking assur, That’s again, something I think he would change if he spent time around bnei yeshiva who can express themselves emphatically and clearly with clean, pure speech.

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