Watch: Biden Rescinds UN Sanctions On Iran

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  1. This is a misleading title aimed to get viewers to watch the video. The bulk of this has absolutely nothing to do with Biden rescinding any Iran sanctions. It was discussed for no more than 10 seconds. Lifnei Iver

  2. all you biden supporters – are you happy now? You didn’t like his tweets, but neither his policies??? You vote with some brains, not with emotion. that’s what the democrats do

    • We got what we voted for. Thank you.
      You repubs are all the same.”there’s one truth and any frum Jew who disagrees is a self hating Jew.“
      I live in a fairly yeshivish neighborhood and probably 60% of my shul voted for Biden, but you guys all live in a bubble and think that all Jews must vote republican, even if it is some unhinged, unstable candidate.
      There are other valid viewpoints other than yours. The way I see it is that republicans are selfish and only care about themselves. Everything is my money, my border my my my. The democrat party is all about caring for those who need it the most. Kindness, helping others etc.
      We knew what we were voting for and we wanted what we voted for. The Torah tells us to help the downtrodden, to be sensitive of theirs and to love al people, even those who don’t look the same as you.
      All I can say is G-d bless America and I hope all you radical right Jews come to your senses before the America you idolize eats you and your yiddishkiet up

      • That’s right, the Democratic party helps and cares for many people including:

        Woman who want to kill their own offspring.
        The Palestinians (who encourage killing jews and then support the families of the murderers)
        The Houthis (a violent terrorist group, but the Dems don’t think so)
        The Iranians (who have gotten access to billions of dollars thanks to Obama)

        Are those the people ‘The Torah tells us to help’?

      • You must be saying this “tongue in cheek”. I’d rather have an impetuous baby as president, than a puppet with dementia who’s well past him prime

  3. I live in a very yeshivise neighborhood and about 100 % of my shul voted for the other guy . I think it has now become even clearer why .

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