WATCH: But Who Cares When It’s Not Frum Jews…

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  1. Stop defending our conduct and defend us from disease instead!

    We should be happy that they report about us when we act unsafely because that will save our lives.

    • Some people would call you a self-hating jew. No one is defending anyone, but let’s call a spade a spade. If they are doing it then don’t only write stories about jews.

    • What difference does this make that they are in violation. Do you want to be like non Jews. Is that what we want, to be the same as them? What do we need the Torah for if we crave to be judged with the same standard. The non Jews know we are better and they have mugh higher standards for us. Don’t you think we should also have higher standards. Not everything is about anti semitism.

  2. Same thing in Israel.It was the secular Israelis on their Far East cruises and Italian bike tours who brought the virus to Ramat Gan,etc.but the secular Israelis blame the frum for wanting to pray!

    • I wrote a reply rebutting the drift of your comment, but Matzav in its drive for politically correct frumkeit chose not to show it even though you are wrong and I was and still am right. Thus, Matzav joins the ranks of Chinese and Turkish journalism.

  3. Send this video to Comrade DiBlasio and the President hating media. The mayor is very into ratting people out. Perfect opportunity to be a good citizen. Oh wait…this is not Boro Park or Williamsburg so the media won’t be interested.

    • No one is trying right any wrongs. But when rags like the NYpost write blood libel stories that it was the Hasidim of Boro Park that gave 11 firemen coronavirus when a few blocks away the Muslims were going to their mosques that is beyond despicable.

  4. What are you to do if while on your promenade in the gross NYC park you encounter a minyan davening tfila betzibur: are you allowed to stay because being in the park is very “essential”, or are you obligated to immediately leave because davening is very “not essential” even if all mispalelim are wearing hazmat suits and are 13 feet away from each other? After all, my Stockholm Syndrome doesn’t allow me to have goyim not approve of my behavior, and Rabbi Doctor found some lost pages in Shulchan Oruch that clearly state no more minyan even when safe ways are available.

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