Watch: Experiment Performed to Test Effectiveness of Masks

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  1. Wearing masks for the coronavirus “decreases oxygen intake, increases toxin inhalation, shuts down immune system, increases virus risk, scientifically inaccurate, effectiveness not studied.”

    Masks are just to mask the minds of the people with the fake corona virus.

      • We should all pray for President Trump's continuous hatzlachah and siyatta Dishmaya even if you still don't grasp what's happening

        We sure are holding our breaths for President Trump. Those who are awake and know what coronavirus really is, what’s going on in the world and what President Trump has accomplished are DAVENING FOR HIM daily. Yes, chareidi Jews are DAVENING FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP every single day since he came to office.

    • lack of oxygen? are you serious? how idiotic. doctors wear masks all the time and nothing bad happens. quit making excuses! masks help! and not wearing one is extremely selfish! just admit to yourself already!

      • If masks are to protect me, it’s none of your business if I wear one. And if masks are to protect others, if I’m not a doctor I’m not obligated to kill myself for anyone. If you don’t like that I don’t wear a mask, stay home or run away from me.

        Chazal clearly state: חייך קודמין YOUR OWN LIFE before others. You don’t have to worry about others if it harms you. One is not selfish by saving his own life over other’s. Hospitals are flooded these days with new coronavirus patients who can’t breath after foolishly wearing their masks for longer than 2 minutes. Do you know how dangerous breathing in too much exhaled carbon dioxide is? And do you know how many doctors wearing masks are sick at the end of the day with headaches, and what not?

        • first of all people are not wearing n95 masks. so your co2 issue is a non starter. a regular mask is not preventing normal breathing so again its totally being selfish!

      • doctors do not wear them while exercising, walking…
        at worst they are sitting or standing over a patient in a normally aired room and take it down to breath between every patient.
        they are not standing in stiffing outside heat with it either.

    • רשעים אפילו על פתחה של גיהנום אינם חוזרים בתשובה
      You see, culture on petri dish, just how effective masks are, but your little comforts are too much to give up on. Try a different manufacturer, or the newer ones, that are further away from your mouth and nose hence more comfortable.

      • Well, being a moser is much worse. One who is a moser can be killed without convening a Bais Din. A moser must be taken out. We should print a list of these mosrim. A real rasha mirusha. You can keep a full body hazmat mask on your head but don’t be maaser on others. I can only wish horrible things upon mosrim.

      • One is not a רודף or a רוצח or רשע if he protects himself. See Gemara Bava Metzia 62:1.

        Rebreathing CO2 (carbon dioxide) can lead to increased blood pressure, headaches, muscle twitches, rapid heart rate, chest pain, confusion, and fatigue. In extreme cases, if left untreated, hypercapnia can lead to organ damage and even have long standing effects on the brain.

  2. I don’t need proof from some academic study. The Chofetz Chaim’s psak in Mishna Berura siman 554:6 (in Biur Halacha) says it all. It says masks do help prevent sicknesses. (Ask your Rov how this does or doesn’t apply in your city at any given time, however the Chofetz Chaim clearly paskened that masks help prevent spreading of disease.)
    Call me a ‘sheeple’ if you want, but I have the Chofetz Chaim on my side!

    • First of all, the Chofetz Chaim is talking about protecting ONESELF from sickness. He’s not talking about putting on a mask to protect others.
      Secondly, he suggests, if you want, you can wear a mask to protect from sickness. Since we know that this so-called coronavirus is the yearly flu and we don’t go around with masks every year, we’re not obligated to wear one this year either, like many Gedolei Yisroel who are not wearing masks.
      Thirdly, I have Chazal on my side! בבא מציעא ס”ב ע”א Chazal say: חייך קודמין YOUR OWN LIFE over others. You don’t have to worry about others if it harms you.

  3. Fake news study. Doesn’t show anything about the virus molecules going right through the stupid masks. All it shows is the saliva droplets. Meaningless.

  4. 1 Masks are dangerous to the wearer and provide no protection to the people around you!
    The above movie is not science at all we are not talking about bacteria and other harmless germs we are talking about the COVID 19 virus and for this no masks help see this scientific report:
    2 Lack of sufficient oxygen for lungs!:
    3 Mask test :

    • EXCELLENT POST! Sheeple don’t have the courage to read your post and follow the links.

  5. the study seems to prove that a mask protects my germs from spreading…but does it protect me from the other guy’s germs???

    • Masks are more to protect others from you than to protect you from others. As Yidden we do whatever we can for others. We also hope that others will do for us too, but that doesn’t minimize the requirement that we must do for others. (As for whether the situation in a particular person’s location is still necessary, ask your Rov or a frum doctor).

  6. Petri dishes only show bacteria. Not viruses. Viruses are way way smaller. Show how much a mask protects against viruses and then you will have some data…

  7. To: “waiting…” Masks, clearly are not effective to treat the psychological syndrome of denial from which you suffer.

    The above CLEARLY shows how effective masks are , the majority of experts AROUND THE WORLD agree they do something at least. Yet we have mindless comments denying reality.

    So sad to see such irresponsible foolishness from a ( presumably) frum person.

    • How about reading David Hope’s post and follow the links?

  8. They did research on every point you bought you brought up and you’re totally Fake News. I read a study about the oxygen intake and they found your body knows how to regulate itself.

  9. Anyone who works closely with people in vulnerable health conditions must wear a mask. This is nothing new and it’s not only sugeons including very long surgeries for hours on end during which the doctor needs sufficient oxygen for mental acuity, so enough with the bubbe maises. It’s uncomfortable, but not harmful to the wearer. Yes, it’s true that the mask doesn’t provide much protection for the wearer. It is mostly to protect “yenem” – the other guy. So if you want to be selfish, be more comfortable and risk being a rodef, then don’t wear a mask. But you should know that even in olam hazeh it can boomerang. No one is comfortable in a mask but if everyone wears it then as a society, they create an atmosphere of caring for others’ safety and you, too, will be safe. If you act selfishly, you set an example for others who may then take license to choose comfort over caring and you may end up paying the price.

    • Thank you Masked Mamma, it is very uncomfortable to wear masks in the heat, but it is worth the bother. Seeing a mamma with a mask warms my heart every time. Thank you for being there for all of us.

  10. Why don’t the deniers answer? How big is the virus? How big is carbon dioxide molecule? How big is molecular hydrogen?

  11. Why don’t the deniers answer? How big is the virus? How big is carbon dioxide molecule? How big is molecular hydrogen? Which of the above are filtered and which of the above pass freely?

  12. I just did a test of oxygen concentration, that is pulse oximetery of myself wearing an KN95 and 2 others wearing non-surgical protective masks.
    Pulse oximetery was 97 to 99%, completely normal.
    NOBODY IS SUFFOCATING or becoming hypoxic ie not enough oxygen.
    I would be happy to explain the science behind how masks are protective to those that truly want to learn something.

    I am a physician with training in pulmonary medicine and in aerosol science. I was trained at John’s Hopkins Hospital.

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