Watch: Former High-Ranking Chasidic Treasury Official Mitchell Silk Discusses China’s Influence In Middle East

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    • The infantile babies that run Matzav never took any English subjects in highschool/Mesivta. If they would of, it would of killed their chances of getting a normal shidduch. Si paas nisht. Bittel torah, etc…Secular studies is for the OTD crowd, not for us. It’s better to remain an illiterate dummy as long as you get that shidduch. Here we see the pairos of such decisions.

  1. Reb Moishe Silk makes a very good impression, halevai others would reach his level.

    To describe him as a Hasid from Borough Park is somewhat misleading though. He didn’t grow up there, didn’t grow up in such a Hasidic way, etc., etc. You can see from the interview that he doesn’t speak English with a Hasidic accent.

    He speaks two dialects of Chinese. How many Hasidim do you know that speak any dialect of Chinese?

    Maybe he can implement a program of Chinese studies in Hasidic schools. 😉


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