This is the way yidden should “protest”. Abiding by the rules (masking and social distancing whether you agree or not). Not setting fires, calling people Nazis,etc. Beseeching the Aibishter is the only way to go.
lets not overdo it. noone set fire and did what you’re writing… If yes, there may have been a very small group of yotzei min haklal; I wouldn’t want to give credibility to anyone by knocking others. It defeats the point. We can’t only work on looking good in the eyes of the goyim; The Ribono Shel Olam wants us to stop condemning each other too. Whatever you believe is ok. The best sentence you wrote here is the last one. Each person should focus on their Avdus and tefilla.. The unfortunate Lashon Horah, being mevazeh others, being malshin are terrible terrible aveiros… All for the sake of bringing nachas to Hakadosh Baruch Hu?????? Nowhere in the Torah is there a heter for that. The best way is truly think, daven and work on ourselves… Many types of people have taken covid as a means to exploit it and advance their ideas and themselves unfortunately…. The point mustve been bigger than that in Shamayim. Yes, I respect these Gur Chassidim; great effort and accomplishment. But I will not say one word against anyone else… Hashem will take care of the rest!
Looks and sounds like a עצרת תפלה to me
This is beautiful!!!!
Why cant we do this in BP???
Because the Gerrer hassidim have a Rebbe, and they listen to him.
Therefore, they got it right.
awesome if only we would all protest like that we would get what we wanted. We DO need to protest and do so vigorously in a safe way.
This is the way yidden should “protest”. Abiding by the rules (masking and social distancing whether you agree or not). Not setting fires, calling people Nazis,etc. Beseeching the Aibishter is the only way to go.
lets not overdo it. noone set fire and did what you’re writing… If yes, there may have been a very small group of yotzei min haklal; I wouldn’t want to give credibility to anyone by knocking others. It defeats the point. We can’t only work on looking good in the eyes of the goyim; The Ribono Shel Olam wants us to stop condemning each other too. Whatever you believe is ok. The best sentence you wrote here is the last one. Each person should focus on their Avdus and tefilla.. The unfortunate Lashon Horah, being mevazeh others, being malshin are terrible terrible aveiros… All for the sake of bringing nachas to Hakadosh Baruch Hu?????? Nowhere in the Torah is there a heter for that. The best way is truly think, daven and work on ourselves… Many types of people have taken covid as a means to exploit it and advance their ideas and themselves unfortunately…. The point mustve been bigger than that in Shamayim. Yes, I respect these Gur Chassidim; great effort and accomplishment. But I will not say one word against anyone else… Hashem will take care of the rest!
More about social distancing
klal yisroel is so good!!this was beautiful and i cried while watching