WATCH: Gerrer Rebbe Participates In A Socially Distant Minyan Outside Of His Shul

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  1. Oh no! A backyard minyan… But the “experts” and the “open-orthodox rabbis” made a “gezeira” to violate hilchos tfila, and brazenly requested that even the strictly social-distancing safe backyard minyanim be verboten, because they refused to consider the less extreme methods of alleviating the sakonas nefoshos, but probably the main reason is the pathological seeking of goyishe approval that they call “kidush H”. Well, it’s a good thing some of us have enough fortitude to say no to the misyavnim, and participate in the safe backyard minyanim. Stand up for kovod shamaim, and openly disobey the musyavnim; they have no halachic right to force “gezeiros” on our communities. As long as you make sure that your minyan is completely safe, then there is no sakonas nefoshos, and therefore you have no reason to butcher hilchos tefila. Granted, if you are dealing with idiots who don’t care about safety, then a safe minyan would likely be very hard to enforce, but then these not-so-bright individuals would find a way to infect themselves in other places such as stores and strolling on the streets, so shutting down the minyanim would not be serving any purpose vis-a-vis saving lives. Mima nafshach, there is no reason to shut down the safe backyard minyanim.

    • Why do you hate Hashem so much?
      you answer your own question “if you are dealing with idiots who don’t care about safety, then a safe minyan would likely be very hard to enforce,”

      Thus it is dangerous for a minyan to have you in it!

      Stop looking for kulas. Be machmir on yourself yes its hard but stay away from the minyan. Use this oppurtunity to take on this chumra and get closer to Hashem

      • Yankel: If you had an event that you really had to go to and you could be sure that it was safe, You would probably find a way of going. Why should Davening with Minyon be any less? Unless, you look at Mitzvos just as something you have to do and can’t get out of.
        The Gerrer Rabbi has the manpower to enforce any rule he deems important and has done so in the past.
        You seem prejudiced against Frum Yidden!

      • Dear 9:40am, please take your ADHD meds and try to read my arguments again. If you don’t have enough attention span to understand a post, it may be a good idea to refrain from commenting on your part.

  2. Yankel: If you had an event that you really had to go to and you could be sure that it was safe, You would probably find a way of going. Why should Davening with Minyon be any less? Unless, you look at Mitzvos just as something you have to do and can’t get out of.
    The Gerrer Rabbi has the manpower to enforce any rule he deems important and has done so in the past.
    You seem prejudiced against Frum Yidden!

    • “If you had an event that you really had to go to and you could be sure that it was safe, You would probably find a way of going.”

      chas veshalom!

      All religous Jews have skipped events we really wanted to go to. sure I could have taken the easy way out and just gone hoping for the best. No! we are machmitrim. If the government says stay 6 feet away! A ben Troah stays 8 feet if they say no more than 15 congreagate we say no more than 10

      stop lookign fur kulos in your avodas Hashem

      “Why should Davening with Minyon be any less? ”

      IT should be more!

      “You seem prejudiced against Frum Yidden!”

      THe opposite! I love frum yidden. The more that survive the better. sure some take the attidute of “there are plenty of Jews, big deal if we lsoe a few more” This is not the Jewish way

  3. people have to stop living with the thought oy what are the goyim going to say?!?! if they’re not going tO blame the jews for this, they’ll find something else. maybe the jews helped the russians hack the elections and make trump win?
    idk maybe!! yiddin have to live life and not do it in a cave. just because you dont daven with minyan doesnt mean now the goyim are impressed and saying “oh wow the jews are takeh following the rules” my friend, doesnt work that way!!
    derech agav: in a certain city not going to say, out of the tristate area. if same situation the happened in the above video wouldve happened someone wouldve called the police!! once again the goyim wont look and say “oh the jews are ratting each other out very good” THEY DONT CARE!! yidden have to stop hating other yidden. thats not going to get us anywhere!!

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