Watch: Man “Adjusts” Pro-Vaccine Signs in Yerushalayim

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    • Thank you for this video. Indeed priceless! This guy is so efficient and did a beautiful job replacing. Israelis are the most naive citizens in the world. Since most don’t read or understand English, they believe whatever the evil doctors – who stuff their pockets with Fiser money – tell them. Sadly they take the jabs thinking they’ll be cured of “covid” – whatever that is to them and thousands of them have been murdered but the CK who have to keep quiet.

    • that’s three words that were switched on the sign to change the entire message to be truthful.

      instead of it saying you must vaccinate your kid לחסן now says says you must hug your kids לחבק

      and the other two words were changed to hugging your children protects them from the enemy, instead of from the virus.

  1. While it’s a great idea to show affection for one’s children it cannot come at the expense of morah av v’aim! This culture which has seeped into the charedi tzibur is frightening. Everything is a balance.

    The aforementioned has no relation to the specific issue of vaccination. Evrey G-D fearing Jew must have a Morah Horah.

    • אביו אומר לו שלא להחתחסן
      ורבו אומר להתחסן
      למי שומעים?
      לרבו, כי אביו מביו לחיי העולם הזה
      ורבו מביאו לחיי העולם הבא

    • He’s correcting the lies that have been promulgated falsely in Rav Chaim’s name. There’s plenty of evidence that the Rav opposes injecting kids with this gene-altering poison, but certain family members have an agenda that puts opposite words in his mouth, r”l.

  2. Kol hakavod!
    I like his accent. Clearly not from Brooklyn. Sounds like he could be a BT. Nothing wrong. Just trying to figure everything out. I see he’s also wearing a brown leather jacket. Not exactly yeshivish. Overall, sounds like a fun guy to be around or eat a Shabbos meal with. Fighting for a good cause.

  3. Great job! These signs were quoting words that were never spoken by Rav Chaim. Look at the original video. Thanks whoever u r! Your correction makes much more sense!

  4. Truth warriors! The truth will out and is revealing itself. Do not sacrifice your children to pharma, lies and greed. The Rav did not pasken to you to vaccinate your child. Anyone who has their sheilas answered by the bought and biased media is a fool. Don’t tell me you went to him and asked because he is not seeing people. Listen to the scientists that have put their entire careers on the line to tell the truth, not the ones who have become the wealthiest from this plandemic!

  5. vaccines should be optional. If people think they protect, then let people take the vaccine. Don’t coerce me to take the vaccine or be denied services. Do you need me to take medicine so that your medicine works? Hashem is blinding those arroganant, greedy, disrespectful rabbis who won’t debate nor listen to the other side of things – so much for their Torah and gemorah if they even study. DON’T FORCE YOUR MEDICINE ON HEALTHY PEOPLE – IT IS AGAINST THE NUREMBERG CODE.

  6. 23 comments including only 2 pro-vaxxers. Moiredig! We’re getting there b”H and witnessing that over 90% heilige yidden cannot be fooled by the malach hamoves.


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