Watch: National Chanukah Menorah Lighting

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  1. Menorahs at Fairs & Squares

    According to the 1) Minchas Yitzchok, 2) R Y. S. Elyashiv
    3) R. S.Z. Auerbach,4) Klausenburg Rebbe 5) R.S. Wosner,
    6) R.N. Karelitz 7) R. E. Waldenberg zt”l & להבדיל בין חיים לחיים
    8) R. Ch. Kanievski & 9) R.M Sternbuch Shlita,

    Lighting a Chanukah Menorah in front of the City Hall, Parliament
    buildings, top of cars or other public places, etc. is not the Mitzvah
    of פירסומי ניסא that Chazal instituted.

    Those who do light there with a ברכה are עובר on ברכה לבטלה.

    Harav Hagaon Ovadya Yosef zt”l argues on the above and holds
    if they Daven Maariv at those public gathering it gets the status
    of a Shul and one may be lenient and make a Bracha.

    The Chasam Sofer avoided lighting the Menorah in Shul
    because he was uncomfortable making a Bracha there.

  2. I think these are bad. They are gothic strange sized.

    It sets up national judaism. We set up a war Normandy for the bias a celebration must be world grave.

    But five year olds never forget that daddy must say a wonderful thing when it is lit.

    Joy dynamic. Too big.

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