Watch: NYC Agrees to a 99-Year Lease for Brooklyn Eruv

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  1. I’m pretty sure the posek hador said that it is assur to use an eruv in Brooklyn and no other big rabbonim disagreed so what “eruv” are they putting up and why is there no mention in the article that it isn’t a kosher eruv? This can mislead people into thinking that they can carry in Brooklyn on Shabbos which would be a grave sin!

  2. Was Ben Kingsley playing the borough official?
    After having worked for so long for Oscar Schindler, he must be very familiar with basic halachos of Shabbos.

    • According to its website, it has support of some connected to Belz, Vizhnitz, Tzanz, Ungvar, and Lubavitch.

      Lubavitch affiliated are R. Zinner (Nitei Gavriel), R. Oberlander (Budapest), two from Australia and one from Ramat Beit Shemesh.

      Not seen is support from prominent circles that have opposed such things in the past, e.g. Satmar, Ger, Bobov, Litvish.

      • No main stream Lubavitch Rabonim support this Eruv!
        R. Zinner is not Chabad (his is a Pupeh Chosid, that visited the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZTL a few times), and the two Rabbis from Australia are Modern Orthodox with some Chabad leanings (I have heard from many Chabad Rabonim that one should not rely on them for any Halachic ruling).
        R. Oberlander may be a Talmid Chochom, but it is odd for him to be voicing an opinion against all local Chabad Rabonim.
        R. Osdaba and R. Braun of the Crown Heights Beis Din, as well as R. Heller (most prestigious posek of Crown Heights), R. Bluming (a popular Moreh Hora’a in Crown Heights) and every single other Halachic authority in Crown Heights is totally against this Eruv.

        • Rav Zinner is quite close to Chabad, groups of Lubavitcher talmidim go to him to be farhered, he speaks at Lubavitch events. He is a quasi Lubavitcher.

  3. Chillul Shabbos bifarhesya! And then these kleineh kep wonder why Moshiach hasn’t come yet. They can’t seem to figure out how the gemorah links it to chillul Shabbos.

    • The main reason that moshiach hasn’t come is because of sinas chinom, such as yours. There is no chillul Shabbos when you follow your rav

      • Sorry foolish fellow

        standing up for Judaism is the opposite of sinas chinam
        Matter of fact it says one of the 8 examples of Sinas chinam was they didn’t protest and rebuke other Jews!

        • You wouldn’t know hilchos eruvin if I hit you over the head with it. Your not standing up for Judaism, you are trying to force your personal opinion on others. This is sinas chinam at its worst

          • So anyone that disagrees with your highness is displaying sinas chinom? I would misrable to be married to you.

      • My Rav says that it’s assur to carry in Brooklyn on Shabbos and we should avoid going to Boro Park for Shabbos because then we will be terribly exposed to so-called Frum Yidden who are being michalel Shabbos befarhesya.

  4. There’s a frum guy in BP with a huge sign outside his house that is he is not being zoche a part in the eruv, which makes this “kinyan” from the city worthless. The eruv Rav claim that since after 120 he will go to gehenim (for arguing with them)he can’t mean what he says.
    Reading his huge poster it seems like he very much means what he says and there is no way to rely on the necessary eruvei chatzieros in Brooklyn

  5. Reb Moshe is moide if there is mechizos than you can make a Eruv. And the rabbonim verified that indeed there is shalosh mechizos.

    שו”ת אגרות משה אורח חיים חלק ה סימן כח
    ה. מחיצות שסביב לברוקלין, ומה שנהגו לעשות עירובין בכרכים גדולים
    ומצד מחיצות סביב ברוקלין כפי הידיעה שעד עתה אינו כן וזהו אפשר לברר,

  6. The blogger in the video thinks he is the one that knows, and calls those who disagree part of a cabal.

    He must be right because his beard is longer.

  7. At the top left of the video screen is seen “חבד עירוב”.

    Most of us here are not Lubavitchers, not part of חבד, so what are they trying to sell us?

    Let them go to their Rebbe’s kever and discuss it with him.

  8. These are the same people that pushed their eiriv in B.P. years ago and it was rejected by gedolei rabbonim, admorim, and roshei yeshiva.

    To convince those eidos that didn’t accept their B.P. eiriv they need to get their manhigim and poskim to paskin on it, not to have people from other circles pushing it on them.

  9. It is said over that the people who made the eruv in Brooklyn came to reb Moshe and told him about their plans. He told them that if you make it I will not publicly object to it and say you are not allowed to carry within it. However when they built their eruv they publicized that reb Moshe holds its a kosher eruv. So because they were saying in his name something that he did not say and did not personally hold of he came out to make it clear that he personally does not hold of this eruv. The point is that even reb Moshe held that there is a basis in halacha for the eruv and that a person carrying in it is not considered to be mechalel shabbos.

  10. I saw a bunch of askunim and balabatim. I didn’t notice big yirei shumayim.

    Something is missing.

    הרה”ג עריק אדאמס, ערב רב, הוא הבעל דבר

  11. All Crown Heights rabbonim, as well as authoritative Chabad rabbonim around the world, say the eruv is invalid.

    Pultman runs an art gallery in Crown Heights, and along with some low-level baalebatim, he decided to include Crown Heights.

    This is not representative of anyone.

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