Watch: Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin: What is Our Responsibility During the Current Milchamah?

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  1. Listening to this left me wondering.

    How many people are going to take and focus on his minor point of not going to the rally and totally ignore his main point that there is a serious need for Teshuva, Tehilim with tears increased learning, a bigger focus on bein odom lchavorey?.

  2. Mr. Anonymous commentator,

    Evreything the R’Y shlita said should make an impression on those who want to hear the דבר השם. I don’t believe it’s appropriate to belittle any of his points. Additionally, I am positive that accusing listeners of deciding which are important and which are less important is wrong!

  3. This isn’t a rally of kochi veotzem, it’s a rally of support and pain and achdus. What’s wrong with joining frei yidden ? Did
    Hamas differentiate between frum and not frum ? Don’t we say said that prayer on Yom Kippur eve ? What’s this all about ??

    • Frei yidden are not the only people attending the rally. The entire orthodox communities of many areas are attending.
      More Jews have United doing mitzvahs as a result of this war.

  4. Rabbi Zirutzkin,

    We tried these nice ideas any times and it did not work out so well.
    This time let us do it in a normal way – Fight back.
    It is a pity after the holocaust horros, we still have those that preach these lay “down and die” policies.

    • Dear Sholi.
      I may not either fully understand the words of this Tzadik, because I am also blinded by kochi veotzem Yadi.
      However, if you heard the holy words that he was speaking, he said that in the time of world war two, the Yidden in Europe did not either scream out to hashem. There were no public fast days, and no round oclock tefilahs. In Eretz Yisorel on the other hand, when the Nazis were about to invade, and there was no way to stop them, the yidden were davening around the clock, for seven days straight. So perhaps we have not really tried the nice ideas yet.
      I challenge myself, and you to stay an extra 10 minutes, and pour your heart out to say tehilim. I bet youll see how nice this idea would work

  5. I’m pretty surprised, and frankly horrified, he would offer such a dramatic, over-the-top condemnation of a rally designed to bring together all Jews behind support for Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. During the Holocaust, hundreds of Orthodox rabbis traveled down to DC, including Rav Moshe, Rav Silver and other gedolim. They disrupted their learning and tefillot to take practical action to urge the US government to recognize the Nazi slaughter of European Jews and take action to save them.

    Were they treif? Was that equivalent to eating chazer? Of course not. That’s simply naarishkeit.

    Some felt they shouldn’t advocate publicly and draw the wrong attention.

  6. This point of view needs a comment : Although we understand that the focus should be tefilah to Hashem and our personal teshuva as only the Rosh yeshiva can voice with such clarity and passion—- there is this something very questionable.
    The issue really is wether or not the rally is a legitamite form of hishtadlus. The Torah requires that we do hishtadlus. We may not just daven if somone is drowning and if we dont take action when it was warrented the person is held responsible for the death The definition of a legitamite hishtaslus is a very broad and deep sugya. t Mordechai seems to be doubtful. Mordechai certainly did not want to stop davening for even a second , therefore he came to the palace with his” sak voefer”, However he absolutely demanses hashtadlus be done , He felt it was proper for Esther not for him .He felt esther had a requirment to do so and shirk her responsibility it would be punishabale (read the pesukim with any rishon). I dont think it is fair to quote that story as a proof that we need not attend the rally , Rather we have to determine wether the rally is a legitamte Hishtadlus and who has the responsibilty
    There are pros and cons too lengthy to discuss in a comment

    The people with whom I have conversed with who are in office or in WDC would say that this is like Esther speaking with the king . public opinion is the only language that todays goverment undersatnds . Being that the Jewish people are in great sakanah world wide some Hishtadlus if legitamite and is called for , One should daven as the Rosh Yeshiva said and really do teshuvah , but somone has to be mishtadel with the govermnt . Numbers is what counts remeber .

  7. Time for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov. Nothing just happens to klal yisroel by coincidence, everything has a direct wake up call message from Hashem and Hashem is waiting to see the Achdus together with the serious Teshuva like we did in the story of Purim.

    May we all accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.


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